
In Blackburne, Its Business As Usual

As the Governor of Persephone announces renewed enforcement of the Alliance blockade against Blackburne Moon, the residents of Blackburne Downport continue to deal with the day-to-day tasks of living on this tiny, radioactive moon—earning livings, raising families, looking out for one another, protecting the town from Reavers and feral mutants from the Wastes.

"It's a waste of energy and time for them, always has been. That's why they just up and left after nuking hell out of us in the war," says Nack Barnes, the de-facto leader of Blackburne Downport. "Ain't nothing left here but us that survived and those who the Alliance don't want anyway. No matter how we think about it, about our home here, it ain't worth a rusty piss bucket to the Alliance."

Why, then, would the Persephone decide to reinstate the blockade now? Governor Woodhen was unavailable for comment at press time. According to a press release, Governor Woodhen said, "Blackburne has to realized that the war is over. If [they] continue to back a lost cause, we as a loyal Alliance member have no choice but to enforce the blockade that has been long ignored."

The release goes on to note that "[the] move is part of a wider move to enforce Alliance law throughout the sector. [The City of Downing] also began enforcing port inspections on all ships landing at the Eavesdown Docks outside the city.

Nack Barnes says, "I don't figure this blockade will stop anyone who's determined to get into or out of Blackburne," He pauses here, chuckling. "Since as a pilot I make a good bartender; yet I was able to get through." He gravely notes, "What it will do is make the more honest free traders avoid us for now, meaning we get to smuggle our own supplies or deal with the dregs of the free traders, little better than pirates. Main thing we're worried about is keeping supplies of meds. We've got a lot of Reaver problems here, and when it ain't Reavers it's zombie mutants or ferals."
And he's not exaggerating. Last week, a trio of female Reavers was killed after sending 6 members of the Blackburne Milita to the medical pavilion. And just three days later, what has become known as the Blackburne Massacre sent a total of 25 people to Blackburne's tiny, understaffed hospital.

"I did a foolhardy thing and followed one into the sewers," says Mr. Barnes, showing off the fresh lacerations he received for his troubles. "From now on, they get in the sewers, we're lettin' 'em go."

And so it goes at Blackburne Downport. People earn livings, raise families, look after one another—just like on the Core planets, but without the luxuries of medical supplies or food.

by Cholgosh Swindlehurst


"Invisible" Assailant on Hale's Moon?

The Blackburne Observer yesterday:

Reports coming from Hale's Moon describe an invisible assailant with laser-targeting weaponry and green, glowing blood.

"Me an' Khaz were standin' around shootin' the shit, and she's like "Hey Im, do you see red spots?" said Imrhien Fargis on a recent visit to The Cup in Blackburne Downport. "Next thing I know, my chest has a red laser target painted on it and I see weird orange and blue... plasma-y stuff comin' for me."

The pair attempted to engage the unseen attacker, but had difficulty in locating their target. "Like, it was weird, I could see movement, but there was nothin' there." said Ms. Fargis. Returning to their ship, the freighter Genoveva, they discovered the ship's computer system had been breached.

Ms. Fargis believes they wounded thier attacker. "I think either me or Khaz winged whatever it was, cuz there was a green glowy liquid trail... stuff smelled like somethin' crawled up a skunk's ass and died. We took a sample to the doc, maybe he can tell us whatever it was."

Hale's Moon officials are advising visitors to arm themselves and be alert.

by Cholgosh Swindlehurst


24/3/08 - New arrivals in Hale's Moon

My name is Dexter Fletcher and i am the new Editor of the Hale's Moon Herald. I have been in town three days and already i have felt the wrath of the Alliance. Is this an insight into our future? Soon will this be a daily occurrence?
Until now The Alliance has left us alone. We have managed to stay off their radar. Why now have they decided to take an interest in us? It's clearly been planned for a while. They haven't just decided to check on us as they pass through. An Alliance ship has been parked above Hale's Moon for the past week or so. They must be gathering intelligence for something.
Our streets aren't safe anymore. We shouldn't have to worry when walking the streets about whether or not we will be forced to the ground at gun point and checked for identification. The Alliance must be stopped!
Clearly broadcasting the origins of the Reavers hasn't been enough. They still have the same control over us. Only now they use force rather than politics or psychology stopping Newspaper Editors or Doctors on the streets isn't exactly standard practice. Dr Gallagher Aeon said "Its unbelievable. With Reavers attacking planets all over the 'verse you would think that would be their top responsibility."
My name is Dexter Fletcher. My back is bruised and my nose is bleeding. No more. Today blows the winds of change, and not the small kind.

                          - Dexter Fletcher


Alliance taking action against Hale's Moon?

Some freighter pilots and captains announced today that they have positive scans of an alliance cruiser behind the asteroid shield surrounding Hale's Moon and Ambrosial.
It is not sure what the mission of that cruiser is and the fact that it can't cross the astoroid field reduces the chances of a direct action against Hale's Moon.
Most colonists and residents are afraid that their independent peace might be disturbed, and the captains of their ships and boats fear that they are being checked by the Alliance. A thing that can turn out very bad for the free traders... as most transported goods are contrabands.

The Hale's Moon Herald will keep an eye open on that subject and will continue to inform you about it.