
Another Hale's Death

Doctor Gallagher was found dead by the Hale's Moon Mine after he had apparently been shot several times and possibly stabbed.

Gallagher was found by Lilybell Snoodle with whom he had agreed to meet at 3 p.m. To talk about recent events. Some syringes were found in his coat pocket containing traces of several anxiety medications. Some of the circumstances surrounding Gallagher's death were puzzling at the outset.

The caps on the syringes with which he had apparently injected himself had been replaced. "Him was right-handed," said Lilybell Snoodle. Yet upon examining the body several odd injection marks were found, one was on his right wrist and the other on his right forearm. Gallagher's body has been sent back to his home on Adipose 3.

Gallagher's death couldn't have come at a worse time and he will be missed

Explostion Rocks Hales

Early Friday morning, the rare quiet of Hale's Moon was disrupted by the sounds of an explosion.

An unknown explosive device was found inside the office of the Hale's Moon Herald. Several residents were inside when it detonated, not having time to clear the building.

Many of the residents suffered severe injuries, including burns and shrapnel wounds.

Lilybell Snoodle and Mikie Rhiadra were both missing for a considerable amount of time after the blast. Both were recovered later. Lily bell suffered injuries unrelated to the explosion itself, the matter is still under scrutiny of the townsfolk,

There is speculation on Alliance involvement in the explosion, as the explosive appeared similar to that which has been used by he alliance in the past.


Alliance Prisoner Rescued - Fierce Battle Followed

The Alliance Prisoner, Imhrien Fargis, who was captured the night before during a special ops mission on Blackburne Friday night, was rescued from the Alliance Cruiser IAV Sun Tzu in a daring two - ship operation on Saturday.

Despite ship to ship missiles and a number of security measures - as well as the presence of guards on the main deck - the risky daytime raid took advantage of the lower guard levels and were able to hack the security system on the SunTzu and fight a running battle that lead to casualties on both sides, but the independent forces were able to override the security system and keep reinforcements out from other sections of the ship and rescue Mrs Fargis-Voom.

After restoring security - two gunships rapidly descended on Hale's Moon in an attempt to recapture Mrs Fargis-Voom prior to her escaping the planet. This was the first time two heavy gunships have landed on the surface and it put the local militia and reinforcement is an bad crossfire position - although independent forces fought fiercely - at least 10 Alliance forces attacked with heavy cannons, grenades and flame units.

Independent Forces used the distraction of this heavy battle despite the costs to launch a small shuttle on a stealthy trajectory - bypassing the Sun Tzu's ship-to-ship missiles and returned Mrs Fargis Voom to a safe location.

The Alliance Forces were accused of numerous crimes of war in this attack - including attacking unarmed civilians. Radio transmissions pleading for Alliance Forces to cease their attack went unheeded as both armed and unarmed militia and civilians fell.

Although several Alliance casualties were noted - the Alliance finally withdrew. The only comment obtained from Commander Marcus Condor of the Sun Tzu was "We do not target civilians - however in the midst of battle there may at times be collateral damage. We regret this. However, we withdrew after confirming the escaped prisoner was no longer on the planet."

This was the first time such heavy artillery was used on the Hale's Moon settlement and at times it appeared the entire town was ablaze.

It was notable that in the aftermath of such a heavy and lasting battle that no arrest warrents or broadwaves were broadcast for Mrs Fargis-Voom, and no request for reinforcements. Commander Condor had no further comments on the matter.


Alliance Still Active

Reports in this morning that the alliance are still active in the region. A small patrol made land on Hale's on what they referred to as a routine patrol.

The two man patrol stayed on the surface for a considerable time before shots were fired. Intercepted transmissions indicate that the patrol was fired upon by Archer Bleich and Cadda Ninetails, and responded by returning fire. Both Alliance soldiers were downed in combat.

This is the second time on report that the Alliance have come down without initiating combat. Previously they have stated they wish to reopen negotiations for R&R for the troops stationed on the Sun Tzu.


Renegade Alliance - Priority Message sent in the clear

Hales Moon Priority Transmission - IAV Sun Tzu

Colonel Silvermane of the 1st Marine Assault Regiment - was escorted to the planet Hale's Moon on a peaceful mission to negotiate shore leave for the troops aboard the IAV Sun Tzu. Colonel Silvermane and several residents have had to endure attacks of various nature since then.

It is my belief that we may havea a renegade Alliance or Imposter force that has gone to ground. All troops are to remain vigilant and report any suspicious behavior to your supervisors immediately.

Ship computer logs originally recorded her escorts by name and ident-chip. These names and flight and traffic logs are being withheld while the investigation unfolds. Double checking flight and traffic records by investigation shows these personnnel were not involved in activity on Hale's Moon during the time frames indicated.

Ship computer logs regarding the assault on Colonel Silvermane and the subsequent random assaults on the colony on Hale's Moon was not authorized by Alliance forces or anyone in this command.

In an apparent haste to cover their actions - they left some data intact. Computer techs continue to analyze the data on ships computer for other possible fingerprints.

Flight deck logs also show large datasets missing and or launch records altered - several strategic weapons were discovered and show signs of tampering with.

Our technicians have re-secured the weapons and computer systems and a search is underway for the perpetrators of this crime.

We have not yet located Colonel Silvermane.

We do not know the size or disposition of the renegade forces - assuming they were Alliance - we are therefore doubling shifts until these renegades are brought to justice. All security points will be double staffed. Key computer systems, Strategic Weapons lockers and the Flight Deck will all be manned by full squads on 7x24 patrol.

The above orders stand until this investigation is complete.

Commander Marcus Condor
IAV Sun Tzu.


Mayoral Electoin Results

The polls closed yesterday at noon, the votes have been counted and the results are in. They are as follows:

Seana Kawanishi 2
Gunner Naidoo 1
Imrhien Fargis 1
Sobi Kawanishi 0

Please join us at the Herald in congratulating Seana on her election to Mayor of Hale's Moon.

Word has not yet come on when Ms. Kawanishi will be officially sworn into office.

Renegade Alliance Terrorizing Hales

Hale's moon has fell victim to many an attack from a renegade group of Alliance Loyalists as they call themselves.

The attacks began shortly after A group of Alliance landed as escort to Colonel Silvermane. Silvermane had come down to further discuss the possibility of Alliance soldiers taking shore leave on our moon.

Before negotiations could begin, her own guards opened fire on her and subsequently the town. Hale's Doctor, Gallagher Aeon, tended to the injured after the initial gunfight, and Colonel Silvermane left with her transport to attempt to contact help. It is not known what became of her after that point.

Since then, the group of terrorists have assaulted the town on numerous occasions, leaving a path of destruction in their wake. Numerous transmissions have also been intercepted. IT appears the renegades are looking for buyers for the heavy artillery and weaponry on the Sun Tzu, which they now claim control over.

Hale's residents are reminded to be on their guard, as its not known when they next assault may come.