Long time Blackburne resident x0x0 Zhangsun was apparently working in the Shelter when the Reaver attack began. Steps from the Cup, Caesar and Lily lay wounded and unable to move but both report hearing one scream and then silence. "Her cried out something sound like... like 'Ni zhao si ma' and then there wasn't no sound but the flames crackling" reported Miss Snoodle.
When the Reavers were run off, an inspection of the shelter's burned out insides revealed one charred burned up body. When asked for comment on the incident, Miss Zhangun's long-time friend Neutrino Nightfire stated 'I don't believe it. I've seen the girl take out an entire regiment on her own and there's no way she'd be trapped in that building". Long-time friend and fellow-militia member Imrhien Fargis had this to say about the Reaver's who torched the shelter: 'I'm going to kill every one of them".
Miss Zhangsun founded the Blackburne Shelter after divorcing herself from her family of origin and she worked there faithfully every day until the fire. She was the Grandaughter of the one of the co-founders of Blue Sun Corporation. When contacted about the loss, the company spokesperson stated "We are sorry for your loss but it has nothing to do with us".
The damage from the fire was significant. The Shelter will reopen when it is rebuilt and a new manager is found.
Sun Tzu Changes Command
(NPC reporter) Julian Endor
In a somewhat unusual move, sources have informed this reporter that the Commander of the IAV Sun Tzu, currently on patrol near Hale's Moon, has been abruptly reassigned.
Commander Marcus Condor was relieved of his command by Commander Johan Corsair early this morning.
The Alliance sources, who refused to speak except under anonymity, also said that the entire medical crew and several soldiers were also reassigned and replaced.
No reason was given and no further information is available at this time.
In a somewhat unusual move, sources have informed this reporter that the Commander of the IAV Sun Tzu, currently on patrol near Hale's Moon, has been abruptly reassigned.
Commander Marcus Condor was relieved of his command by Commander Johan Corsair early this morning.
The Alliance sources, who refused to speak except under anonymity, also said that the entire medical crew and several soldiers were also reassigned and replaced.
No reason was given and no further information is available at this time.
Early Transmission intercepted
(Dated 1 week ago)
A transmission intercepted between the senior Intelligence officer aboard the Sun Tzu and Alliance Command on Londimium indicates the loss of an Operative of the Parliment who was commanding operations aboard the Cruiser. The report indicates the Operative was scheduled to depart several hours after the Colonials initiated their raid to recover Mikie Rhiadra. The Operative was found dead by one of the accompanying medical staff when he missed the scheduled boarding time of their transport.
The Operative was found pinned to the bulkhead in his cabin with his own sword. Cause of death appears to be multiple blunt force impacts, compounded by previous injuries sustained in the raid. At this time, the Sun Tzu has no suspects, though they believe the attacker may have come aboard with the raiders and laid in wait until after the engagement to strike. An investigation aboard is ongoing, however, per recent standing orders, forces have not been dispatched to the colony.
A transmission intercepted between the senior Intelligence officer aboard the Sun Tzu and Alliance Command on Londimium indicates the loss of an Operative of the Parliment who was commanding operations aboard the Cruiser. The report indicates the Operative was scheduled to depart several hours after the Colonials initiated their raid to recover Mikie Rhiadra. The Operative was found dead by one of the accompanying medical staff when he missed the scheduled boarding time of their transport.
The Operative was found pinned to the bulkhead in his cabin with his own sword. Cause of death appears to be multiple blunt force impacts, compounded by previous injuries sustained in the raid. At this time, the Sun Tzu has no suspects, though they believe the attacker may have come aboard with the raiders and laid in wait until after the engagement to strike. An investigation aboard is ongoing, however, per recent standing orders, forces have not been dispatched to the colony.
Mikie Rhiadra Captured
(( NPC )) Reporter Evan Tsidels

The following waves were intercepted last night while the IAV Sun Tzu was breaking for high orbit from Hale's Moon after days of a long and bloody struggle that rained down on us for the past several days - a struggle that was based apparently upon the Alliance's demands for the surrender of our Bar Manager and Editor Mikie Rhiadra. It was never made clear why they wanted her - and many colonists claim this was an illegal and extreme overuse of lethal force on the part of the Alliance.
"Alliance HQ this is Commandor Marcus Condor on the Sun Tzu - we have the package - a bounty hunter delivered it at approximately 18:20.
She appears to be in fair health - seems to have a fever and some minor injuries - the bounty hunter went to great effort to secure her in good condition - we lost several soldiers distracting the colonists and militia. What is it that makes this woman so damn important that I had to lose 72 soldiers in the process?"
"Roger Sun Tzu - I cannot answer that for you - M.I. wants you to send the package on to.... wait - stand by."
"Commander Condor is it? Disregard the last transmission... transmitting authority codes now - I will be taking over this operation. The loss of your men is tragic, but the loss of you would be even more tragic. They were expendable.
I personally found it rather amusing that you have no soldiers capable of capturing and holding a small colony long enough to accomplish your mission."
"Roger Sir - - I had no idea this was of the magnitude that... My Command is at your disposal"
"Very good then commander - treat the prisoner well - and see that she is tended to medically - we will be arriving to take custody late tomorrow. A ship with our medical specalists is already enroute to your location. Be very clear on this Commander - she is not to be questioned, interrogated or medically treated beyond standard health protocols - are we clear?"
"Yes sir, I will have her tended to and we will have her in our maximum security brig - Sir - what do I call you if any issues arise - there is no name... I understand with security protocols but... "
"You don't call me at all, Commander"
-end wave-
Other communications indicate that the Bounty Hunter was here among us on Hales during the Alliance assaults leading up to this event - possibly even fighting along side with us to cover his ruse.
A brief intercepted transmission, apparently from the bounty hunter - would seem to indicate that he used a Stun Gun, similar to the old Mark 902 Tasers to silently capture Mikie while other colonists were away battling the Alliance.
This is a tragic chain of events for all of us, and our Mayor has repeatedly stated she will be reporting this to the highest levels of Alliance authority. Some colonists and independents were heard to be rumbling about attempting a rescue mission.
When asked for his opinion on the issue - Mikies husband, Cobb Compton, pushed this reporter aside and took off in the direction of the Rhiadra-Compton estate on the far side of the moon..

The following waves were intercepted last night while the IAV Sun Tzu was breaking for high orbit from Hale's Moon after days of a long and bloody struggle that rained down on us for the past several days - a struggle that was based apparently upon the Alliance's demands for the surrender of our Bar Manager and Editor Mikie Rhiadra. It was never made clear why they wanted her - and many colonists claim this was an illegal and extreme overuse of lethal force on the part of the Alliance.
"Alliance HQ this is Commandor Marcus Condor on the Sun Tzu - we have the package - a bounty hunter delivered it at approximately 18:20.
She appears to be in fair health - seems to have a fever and some minor injuries - the bounty hunter went to great effort to secure her in good condition - we lost several soldiers distracting the colonists and militia. What is it that makes this woman so damn important that I had to lose 72 soldiers in the process?"
"Roger Sun Tzu - I cannot answer that for you - M.I. wants you to send the package on to.... wait - stand by."
"Commander Condor is it? Disregard the last transmission... transmitting authority codes now - I will be taking over this operation. The loss of your men is tragic, but the loss of you would be even more tragic. They were expendable.
I personally found it rather amusing that you have no soldiers capable of capturing and holding a small colony long enough to accomplish your mission."
"Roger Sir -
"Very good then commander - treat the prisoner well - and see that she is tended to medically - we will be arriving to take custody late tomorrow. A ship with our medical specalists is already enroute to your location. Be very clear on this Commander - she is not to be questioned, interrogated or medically treated beyond standard health protocols - are we clear?"
"Yes sir, I will have her tended to and we will have her in our maximum security brig - Sir - what do I call you if any issues arise - there is no name... I understand with security protocols but... "
"You don't call me at all, Commander"
-end wave-
Other communications indicate that the Bounty Hunter was here among us on Hales during the Alliance assaults leading up to this event - possibly even fighting along side with us to cover his ruse.
A brief intercepted transmission, apparently from the bounty hunter - would seem to indicate that he used a Stun Gun, similar to the old Mark 902 Tasers to silently capture Mikie while other colonists were away battling the Alliance.
This is a tragic chain of events for all of us, and our Mayor has repeatedly stated she will be reporting this to the highest levels of Alliance authority. Some colonists and independents were heard to be rumbling about attempting a rescue mission.
When asked for his opinion on the issue - Mikies husband, Cobb Compton, pushed this reporter aside and took off in the direction of the Rhiadra-Compton estate on the far side of the moon..
A Second Transmission Intercepted
(Posted from a secret location)
As we have not been able to capture or rarely even locate our target Mikie Rhiadra - we are going to up the bounty and attempt to hire mercenaries as well.
This is a black ops mission - you other officers need to know in case Mikie Rhiadra is captured and brought to the Sun Tzu while on your shift, or transfer is arranged at another location.
This information that follows is classifed ladies and gentlemen. Mikie Rhiadra is not just carrying the prototype nanites that allow her to heal faster and literally immortalize her..
She was, in fact, part of an advanced behavioral con and we lost track of her during the wreck of the carrier Xen II near Haven - we assumed Reavers had finished her off with the survivors - we found what was left of the survivors - and we know she was in custody until
Therefore we are tripling the reward and will be contracting with mercenary forces to bring her in - Alive and undamaged - to 1500 Plats (( 1500 Lindens )).
(( OOC Info - that is 1500 Lindens for a successful RP capture - she may fight back - in which case you need to get her healed up before delivery or transfer on any alliance friendly or alliance indifferent world - or the Sun Tzu itself - if a succesful capture is made "off hours" - just leave it at that - bring it to Sternn Guisse's attention and it will be confirmed by Mikie and she will be imprisoned appropriately thru an OOC process - be wary of future RP implications if caught cooperating with the Alliance - we're not well liked by the border moons - as for capture, delivery and payment - your anonymity is guaranteed by Alliance HQ - All rules as stated in previous wave still apply ))
As we have not been able to capture or rarely even locate our target Mikie Rhiadra - we are going to up the bounty and attempt to hire mercenaries as well.
This is a black ops mission - you other officers need to know in case Mikie Rhiadra is captured and brought to the Sun Tzu while on your shift, or transfer is arranged at another location.
This information that follows is classifed ladies and gentlemen. Mikie Rhiadra is not just carrying the prototype nanites that allow her to heal faster and literally immortalize her..
She was, in fact, part of an advanced behavioral con
Therefore we are tripling the reward and will be contracting with mercenary forces to bring her in - Alive and undamaged - to 1500 Plats (( 1500 Lindens )).
(( OOC Info - that is 1500 Lindens for a successful RP capture - she may fight back - in which case you need to get her healed up before delivery or transfer on any alliance friendly or alliance indifferent world - or the Sun Tzu itself - if a succesful capture is made "off hours" - just leave it at that - bring it to Sternn Guisse's attention and it will be confirmed by Mikie and she will be imprisoned appropriately thru an OOC process - be wary of future RP implications if caught cooperating with the Alliance - we're not well liked by the border moons - as for capture, delivery and payment - your anonymity is guaranteed by Alliance HQ - All rules as stated in previous wave still apply ))
Alliance Transmission Received
An Alliance transmission was broadcast this morning over all bandwidths. it is a transmission of considerable concern for Hale's residents. Please be on the lookout for any unusual activity on or around the moon.
The transmission reads as follows:
Hale's Moon Editor and Nightclub Manager Mikie Rhiadra is wanted by the Alliance - Preferably Alive.
She is known to visit Blackburne, Washtown and was reportedly spotted on Sihnon and Londonium as well.
The Alliance will continue to try to capture her if we have on the ground intel that she is present but assaults to date have had to rely on massive aerial bombardments - followed by ground assaults, leading to massive casualties on both sides.
The Alliance will continue to pursue her in capture - she posseses a prototype technology that we need to recover. Therefore - it is essential we retrieve her alive.
To that end the Alliance is offering a 500L reward for her capture alive and uninjured - or 100L dead (wounded). Delivery to the Sun Tzu in orbit around Hales moon will be arranged and payment made upon delivery.
Major Anya Vlasanik
Alliance Special Operations
(( OOC info - no rezzing of ships over 31 prims to make the delivery - RP kill or capture will be confirmed by Mikie - and DO NOT interfere with the broader RP or events on any FF sim - such as bar nights, shindigs, special events, etc. You are welcome to use these events to get close to the subject and figure out your approach however.
No cheats (traps/cages/lassos) will be honored - if you're new to SL/RP/DCS/FF tread lightly - do not violate other sim rules to accomplish this.
Should a successful capture be made and no Alliance official available to present the reward - simply pick up the RP later - send the message to Lt Sternn Guisse or Lt. ChenLeeWoo Xeltentat. It is largely based on an honor system. Mikie Rhiadra has a long history of RP and will not honor a "simple bonk on the head and dragged off to the ship" conclusion. She will honor either a kill and capture, or a convincing RP.
If subject is captured offworld - return to Hales - we do not have "unlimited Parliamentary authority nor the manpower to enforce the peace on every backwater planet"
This is an opportunity for those who think they're damn good mercs, operative wannabes, RP'ers who can talk the clothes off of a registered companion without payment or those new to RP who just need the Lindens (good luck) ))
The transmission reads as follows:
Hale's Moon Editor and Nightclub Manager Mikie Rhiadra is wanted by the Alliance - Preferably Alive.
She is known to visit Blackburne, Washtown and was reportedly spotted on Sihnon and Londonium as well.
The Alliance will continue to try to capture her if we have on the ground intel that she is present but assaults to date have had to rely on massive aerial bombardments - followed by ground assaults, leading to massive casualties on both sides.
The Alliance will continue to pursue her in capture - she posseses a prototype technology that we need to recover. Therefore - it is essential we retrieve her alive.
To that end the Alliance is offering a 500L reward for her capture alive and uninjured - or 100L dead (wounded). Delivery to the Sun Tzu in orbit around Hales moon will be arranged and payment made upon delivery.
Major Anya Vlasanik
Alliance Special Operations
(( OOC info - no rezzing of ships over 31 prims to make the delivery - RP kill or capture will be confirmed by Mikie - and DO NOT interfere with the broader RP or events on any FF sim - such as bar nights, shindigs, special events, etc. You are welcome to use these events to get close to the subject and figure out your approach however.
No cheats (traps/cages/lassos) will be honored - if you're new to SL/RP/DCS/FF tread lightly - do not violate other sim rules to accomplish this.
Should a successful capture be made and no Alliance official available to present the reward - simply pick up the RP later - send the message to Lt Sternn Guisse or Lt. ChenLeeWoo Xeltentat. It is largely based on an honor system. Mikie Rhiadra has a long history of RP and will not honor a "simple bonk on the head and dragged off to the ship" conclusion. She will honor either a kill and capture, or a convincing RP.
If subject is captured offworld - return to Hales - we do not have "unlimited Parliamentary authority nor the manpower to enforce the peace on every backwater planet"
This is an opportunity for those who think they're damn good mercs, operative wannabes, RP'ers who can talk the clothes off of a registered companion without payment or those new to RP who just need the Lindens (good luck) ))
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