The skies over Hales moon lit up even brighter last night as several asteroids came crashing down through the limited atmosphere. It had been speculated since the failure of the protective barrier that it was only a matter of time before the asteroids began to impact with the surface.
At the time of the failure it had been estimated the chance of one of the asteroids striking the small colony to be less than two percent. Those estimates were shattered when not one but two of the large rocks plummeted from the skies striking the townsite.

Initial damage reports show a large crater behind Fook Yoo's, and another on the far side of town where the hydroponic gardens once stood. The intense heat and radiation from the asteroids have so far made close investigation impossible, however it appears that two apartments and two of the hydroponics bays were destroyed completely. The damage extends beyond the physical structure, as several months worth of food reserves were stored in the bays that were destroyed.

In related news a wireless transmission from Alliance forces indicate the Sun Tzu has pulled out of orbit of Hale's Moon. Reports are that they are pursuing a group of "loyalists" who have stolen advanced weaponry, possibly capable of knocking the asteroids from orbit. It is estimated there are approximately 32 of the rogue Alliance soldiers.
It is possible those renegades are on the surface of Hale's at this time. Only hours after the initial impact of the asteroids, at least two individuals dressed in partial alliance uniform were gunned down in the mines after multiple explosive charges were detonated beneath the surface. In addition an alliance troop transport was found in the ravine behind the hangar, its markings blacked out, leading to speculation that the ship belonged to the renegade troops. Colonists detonated several charges, destroying he ship, effectively cutting off the loyalists from any means of escape.
There are potentially several more of these loyalists hiding deep within the mines, residents are advised to use caution when going near the mine entrances.
A town meeting is expected to be called to address concerns in light of the devastation caused last night.