Hale's Moon Militia captured wanted fugitive InupThoret Yuhara after a prolonged drawn out firefight and chase. The bounty of 850 cans of beer was split between the five militia members involved, Gabe Yazimoto, Emma Ditko, Emberzzz Mendelsohn, Zade Karu and Cody Winterwolf.
InupThoret Yuhara was wanted in Hale for the robbery of the General Store and other related crimes.
Thoret also had many outstanding warrants on other planets and moon and Alliance warrants were also in effect.
Gallagher Aeon surrendered custody of InupThoret Yuhara to Alliance authorities who transported the felon to Aberdeen to be tried on several outstanding warrant.
Alliance Prisoner Transport Services confirmed that InupThoret Yuhara escaped from their custody while being transported to a police vehicle in the Kalidisa system and is currently at large somewhere in the Core Worlds.