Hale’s Moon Sheriff’s Office expressed concern over recent reports of a Sasquatch type creature (aka Bigfoot, Ponginae Gigantopithecus, Australopithecus Palaeojavanicus, Paranthropus robustus, Tauri Anthropoid or Hansen's Planet Anthropoid) in the Hale's Moon colony.
The creature bears a striking resemblance to Bihar Sanctuary Museum Curator Feargananym Karillian, although slightly shorter and non-verbal according to reports.
Bihar Sanctuary Museum Curator Feargananym Karillian commented, "No relation."
No injuries have been reported.
Sightings have been concentrated in the Wastelands area, but also in the main settlement.
The Hale's Moon Herald offers a 100L$ reward for a picture of the Hale Sasquatch in Hale's Moon.
The reward will go to the picture that we run in the Hale's Moon Herald.
Contact Jai Raghilda of the Hale's Moon Herald or Sheriff Gallagher Aeon of the Hale's Moon Sheriff's Office with your photograph.