The nominations are all in for the mayoral office. Its now time for the citizens to do their part.
Elections will be held over the course of the next 10 days, ending on September 5. This should give sufficient time for our candidates to organize and campaign.
To vote, simply post to the mailbox on the Herald Office with your choice of candidate clearly indicated.
The candidates nominated for office are:
Gunner Naidoo
Imrhien Fargis
Sobi Kawanishi
Seana Kawanishi
Revolt Halted
The colony on Hales finally has a moment to catch its breath. The replicant revolt was brought to an abrupt halt amid a rain of gunfire at the mines Saturday afternoon.
The replicants had been holding the town under siege for several days, forcing residents to move down into the temporary shelter beneath the medical center. Many residents were on the verge of giving in to the replicants' demands that people leave Hales Moon.
Undaunted, a small group continued to work to free the moon from its captors, believing that resident technical wizard Seana Kawanishi would find a way to reverse the programming.
Early Saturday, Replicant Leader Krenshar Magic was captured, buying time for Aeon to retrieve the work Seana had been conducting. Before Aeon could sort through her notes however, more replicants stormed toe town, freeing Krenshar and retreating to the mines.
Hours later, notes in hand, a group of Hale's Colonists made their way to the moon. Lilybell Snoodle and Cobb compton fought hard to keep the replicants occupied so Gallager Aeon and Mikie Rhiadra could slip in behind the mines undetected.
It took several tense moments for the device to be attached to the mainframe computer, the replicants having realized something was being done had by this time turned their attention back towards the mines.
Once the device was in place an active, the wait began. At first it seemed as though the device didn't work, but eventually the replicants ceased fire.
The fact that they had been tampered with was evident, and now all replicants seem to be functioning normally once again.
However, the ground still remains contaminated with radiation, making the fine particles of dust in the air still very dangerous. All residents are advised to continue wearing appropriate gear until the situation can be addressed.
The replicants had been holding the town under siege for several days, forcing residents to move down into the temporary shelter beneath the medical center. Many residents were on the verge of giving in to the replicants' demands that people leave Hales Moon.
Undaunted, a small group continued to work to free the moon from its captors, believing that resident technical wizard Seana Kawanishi would find a way to reverse the programming.
Early Saturday, Replicant Leader Krenshar Magic was captured, buying time for Aeon to retrieve the work Seana had been conducting. Before Aeon could sort through her notes however, more replicants stormed toe town, freeing Krenshar and retreating to the mines.
Hours later, notes in hand, a group of Hale's Colonists made their way to the moon. Lilybell Snoodle and Cobb compton fought hard to keep the replicants occupied so Gallager Aeon and Mikie Rhiadra could slip in behind the mines undetected.
It took several tense moments for the device to be attached to the mainframe computer, the replicants having realized something was being done had by this time turned their attention back towards the mines.
Once the device was in place an active, the wait began. At first it seemed as though the device didn't work, but eventually the replicants ceased fire.
The fact that they had been tampered with was evident, and now all replicants seem to be functioning normally once again.
However, the ground still remains contaminated with radiation, making the fine particles of dust in the air still very dangerous. All residents are advised to continue wearing appropriate gear until the situation can be addressed.
Reiplicant Revolt
For some time there has been concern for the replicants left behind in the mines. A few of the townspeople had been working towards finding the parts necessary to repair the broken and malfunctioning replicants with the hope of restoring the mine to working order. All of that took a drastic change yesterday afternoon.
The assault on the colony began with just one replicant, opening fire with sophisticated weapons. The assault on the town continued on for hours with the battered replicant copy of Doc Gallagher joining the fight on the side of the replicants.
The replicants were joined by long time friend to many, Krenshar Magic, who has declared himself leader of the Replicant Order.
The replicants have requested that everyone stay well back from the mines and have laid claim to all duranium ore within.
A tenuous cease fire appears to be in place, however at some point in the hours following, a nuclear detonation was triggered in high atmosphere. It is suspected the replicants maybe behind this, forcing all of Hale's colonists to take protective measures.
For everyone's safety, please ensure take proper precautions when venturing out, and stay clear from the mines.
The assault on the colony began with just one replicant, opening fire with sophisticated weapons. The assault on the town continued on for hours with the battered replicant copy of Doc Gallagher joining the fight on the side of the replicants.
The replicants were joined by long time friend to many, Krenshar Magic, who has declared himself leader of the Replicant Order.
The replicants have requested that everyone stay well back from the mines and have laid claim to all duranium ore within.
A tenuous cease fire appears to be in place, however at some point in the hours following, a nuclear detonation was triggered in high atmosphere. It is suspected the replicants maybe behind this, forcing all of Hale's colonists to take protective measures.
For everyone's safety, please ensure take proper precautions when venturing out, and stay clear from the mines.
Alliance Deceit Continues
The replicant hidden amongst the citizens of Hales was revealed this past week during an alliance search of the colony.
Reportedly searching for the body of the deceased Glaze Donat, the Alliance resorted to force in an attempt to take what they assumed was here. During the assault, our own Doc Gallagher started speaking strangely, spouting off a series of numbers before turning on the citizens.
The battle was brutal and many casualties were suffered.
Thankfully the replicant self destructed once captured, however it was clear that Gallagher had fallen into alliance hands.
Several brave souls from Hales stormed the Sun Tzu later that afternoon, taking out several alliance soldier and freeing Doc Gallagher from the prison in which he'd been kept.
We've yet to determine just how long the replicant had been walking among us.
Reportedly searching for the body of the deceased Glaze Donat, the Alliance resorted to force in an attempt to take what they assumed was here. During the assault, our own Doc Gallagher started speaking strangely, spouting off a series of numbers before turning on the citizens.
The battle was brutal and many casualties were suffered.
Thankfully the replicant self destructed once captured, however it was clear that Gallagher had fallen into alliance hands.
Several brave souls from Hales stormed the Sun Tzu later that afternoon, taking out several alliance soldier and freeing Doc Gallagher from the prison in which he'd been kept.
We've yet to determine just how long the replicant had been walking among us.
Death of a Friend
It is with great sadness that I report, Hale's Moon resident Glaze Donat was found dead this morning in the desert just outside of Hales' Moon. The circumstances surrounding the death are sketchy, and rather mysterious. Mr. Donat's body was found severely wounded, and torn up. The cause of death appeared at first to be from attack by wild animal, or mutant, but in an interview Hale’s Moon's new Dr. Gunner Naidoo, stated the following.
"I examined the body shortly after it was brought in, and although it appeared to be death by misadventure, upon further examination I discovered, most of the cuts and lacerations appeared to be post mortum. The wounds were not like any wild animal attack I've ever seen, they appeared to be staged. Upon further examination I discovered a chemical in Mr. Donat's bloodstream. Very basic chemical analysis shows this chemical to be consistent with a paralyzing drug that I personally have never seen outside of an Alliance medical research facility. Mr. Donat's body also showed signs of electrical trauma at the base of the skull, partially concealed by the external wounds.
It is my scientific opinion that Mr. Donat was drugged, had the electrical signal to the brain cut-off, causing death and was then cut and wounded to cover up the evidence and make it appear to be accidental.
Mr. Donat was probably best known for his part in an alleged raid on an Alliance transport and the retrieval of medical supplies for Hale’s Moon , and Blackburn, as well as his recent daring escape from capture at the hands of Alliance troops. It has been summarized that Mr. Doant was wanted by the Alliance for questioning into these crimes.
Mr. Donat was the only current nomination for the mayoral position on Hale's Moon, and a valued resident. He will be missed by many.
"I examined the body shortly after it was brought in, and although it appeared to be death by misadventure, upon further examination I discovered, most of the cuts and lacerations appeared to be post mortum. The wounds were not like any wild animal attack I've ever seen, they appeared to be staged. Upon further examination I discovered a chemical in Mr. Donat's bloodstream. Very basic chemical analysis shows this chemical to be consistent with a paralyzing drug that I personally have never seen outside of an Alliance medical research facility. Mr. Donat's body also showed signs of electrical trauma at the base of the skull, partially concealed by the external wounds.
It is my scientific opinion that Mr. Donat was drugged, had the electrical signal to the brain cut-off, causing death and was then cut and wounded to cover up the evidence and make it appear to be accidental.
Mr. Donat was probably best known for his part in an alleged raid on an Alliance transport and the retrieval of medical supplies for Hale’s Moon , and Blackburn, as well as his recent daring escape from capture at the hands of Alliance troops. It has been summarized that Mr. Doant was wanted by the Alliance for questioning into these crimes.
Mr. Donat was the only current nomination for the mayoral position on Hale's Moon, and a valued resident. He will be missed by many.
Rhiadra and Compton Elope on Blackburne

Amyla Wakowski
Hale's Moon residents Mikie Rhiadra and Cobb Compton were wed in an impromptu ceremony on Blackburne Downport's landing pad Friday evening. The ceremony was officiated by Nack Barnes, co-owner of Firefly's Bar, and attended by all those on hand for Firefly's regular Friday night party. Reception followed at Firefly's Bar, where drinks were on the house in honor of the event.
Classified Ad
WANTED: Roommate
Fully furnished living space with private room and private bath available for right person.
L125 a week does not include meals. Convenient location in town center. Please contact Blossom Finesmith at flat 007 above the news office.
Fully furnished living space with private room and private bath available for right person.
L125 a week does not include meals. Convenient location in town center. Please contact Blossom Finesmith at flat 007 above the news office.
Hale's Frees On Of Their Own
Reported by:
Glaze Donat
The relative quiet, as of late, of Hale's Moon was shattered today with the Arrival of a squad of Alliance Soldiers. The Purple Bellies apparently were looking for Mr. Glaze Donat, the suspected instigator in a raid on an alliance transport, last month.
After a brief conversation with several Hale's moon residents, the troops began to scour the town in search of the much feared and elusive Mr. Donat.
The suspect was spotted in town and a fire-fight ensued, with the brave citizens of Hale's fiercely repelling the cowardly Alliance soldiers. One using only a welding helmet as a weapon.
With the Alliance in full retreat, the townspeople rejoiced at their seemingly easy victory. This was not to be so, the Alliance returned with gunship blazing and again assaulted the people of Hale's. Trapping Mr. Donat in a crossfire and seriously injuring him, the Alliance dragged the injured man through the street, and using him as a human shield, loaded him onto the gunship.
Mr. Donat was transported to an Alliance ship and was being drug to interrogation, when a contingent from Hale's burst through the shields, and began raining a glorious hail of hot lead down upon their miserable existence.
Unfortunately, out-gunned and out-numbers the force from Hale's had to retreat without Mr. Donat in tow. Glaze was at this time being questioned by the Alliance.
Fearing him too injured to answer their questions, he was transported to the medical facility, where he stealthily obtained a vial of sedative. Skillfully administering it to the attending medic Mr. Donat was able to secure his own release. Making his way to the landing bay in hopes of liberating an escape ship, Mr. Donat was surprised to see the rescue ship piloted by one Aeon Voom again crash through the shields. Stopping just long enough to poke a few holes in some Alliance soldiers and pick up Mr. Donat, Mr. Voom expertly piloted the ship containing the severely wounded and very thankful Mr. Donat back to Hale's where he promptly received medical attention. Resting and recovering, Mr. Donat assured this reporter the Alliance obtained no information from him while he was their captive. Mr. Donat has decided to go underground while he recovers, but vows that he "will never stop fighting the gorram Alliance scum."
Glaze Donat
The relative quiet, as of late, of Hale's Moon was shattered today with the Arrival of a squad of Alliance Soldiers. The Purple Bellies apparently were looking for Mr. Glaze Donat, the suspected instigator in a raid on an alliance transport, last month.
After a brief conversation with several Hale's moon residents, the troops began to scour the town in search of the much feared and elusive Mr. Donat.
The suspect was spotted in town and a fire-fight ensued, with the brave citizens of Hale's fiercely repelling the cowardly Alliance soldiers. One using only a welding helmet as a weapon.
With the Alliance in full retreat, the townspeople rejoiced at their seemingly easy victory. This was not to be so, the Alliance returned with gunship blazing and again assaulted the people of Hale's. Trapping Mr. Donat in a crossfire and seriously injuring him, the Alliance dragged the injured man through the street, and using him as a human shield, loaded him onto the gunship.
Mr. Donat was transported to an Alliance ship and was being drug to interrogation, when a contingent from Hale's burst through the shields, and began raining a glorious hail of hot lead down upon their miserable existence.
Unfortunately, out-gunned and out-numbers the force from Hale's had to retreat without Mr. Donat in tow. Glaze was at this time being questioned by the Alliance.
Fearing him too injured to answer their questions, he was transported to the medical facility, where he stealthily obtained a vial of sedative. Skillfully administering it to the attending medic Mr. Donat was able to secure his own release. Making his way to the landing bay in hopes of liberating an escape ship, Mr. Donat was surprised to see the rescue ship piloted by one Aeon Voom again crash through the shields. Stopping just long enough to poke a few holes in some Alliance soldiers and pick up Mr. Donat, Mr. Voom expertly piloted the ship containing the severely wounded and very thankful Mr. Donat back to Hale's where he promptly received medical attention. Resting and recovering, Mr. Donat assured this reporter the Alliance obtained no information from him while he was their captive. Mr. Donat has decided to go underground while he recovers, but vows that he "will never stop fighting the gorram Alliance scum."
A Colony in Mourning
The colony of Hales Moon is in mourning after the passing of long term resident Str8 Masala. She gave her life in defense of the colony.
During a weekend raid upon Hale's, the alliance captured her, holding her captive despite her injuries. Although details of the even are sketchy, as those directly involved have been unavailable for comment, we do know she passed while in Alliance custody.
Khaz Rotaru was able to barter fort he release of her remains through trade of a supercomputer the Alliance had shown interest in. Where she will be lain to rest is unknown, however a memorial service is slated to be held at Fook's this Tuesday, August 5. It will be an informal event, no particular time slated, as those who knew her best kept all hours. It will be a chance for those who knew her to come in, share a drink in her name and remember her gr8ness.
May she live long in all our hearts and memories.
During a weekend raid upon Hale's, the alliance captured her, holding her captive despite her injuries. Although details of the even are sketchy, as those directly involved have been unavailable for comment, we do know she passed while in Alliance custody.
Khaz Rotaru was able to barter fort he release of her remains through trade of a supercomputer the Alliance had shown interest in. Where she will be lain to rest is unknown, however a memorial service is slated to be held at Fook's this Tuesday, August 5. It will be an informal event, no particular time slated, as those who knew her best kept all hours. It will be a chance for those who knew her to come in, share a drink in her name and remember her gr8ness.
May she live long in all our hearts and memories.
New Medical Facility and Staff
In response to the numerous attacks in recent weeks, the colonists have endeavored to protect its injured so that they may recover in a safe environment.
In light of this the medical facility has now moved below the town square, serving as both a medical facility and a fallout shelter during assaults.
The center will be staffed by two new medics. Illyana Lavochkin and Blossom Finesmith. As always Ash Heliosense, the med replicant will be on duty twenty four hours a day.
Gallagher Aeon, our long time Doctor has made the decision to retire from active medicine. He will be missed dearly and wished well in his future pursuits.
The new Medical Center entrance is located in the alleyway behind the Herald office.
(OOC: The new medical center is intended to be an unconditional safe-zone. This means there is to be no firing into or out of the facility. It would be best to holster all weapons upon entering to prevent mishaps.)
In light of this the medical facility has now moved below the town square, serving as both a medical facility and a fallout shelter during assaults.
The center will be staffed by two new medics. Illyana Lavochkin and Blossom Finesmith. As always Ash Heliosense, the med replicant will be on duty twenty four hours a day.
Gallagher Aeon, our long time Doctor has made the decision to retire from active medicine. He will be missed dearly and wished well in his future pursuits.
The new Medical Center entrance is located in the alleyway behind the Herald office.
(OOC: The new medical center is intended to be an unconditional safe-zone. This means there is to be no firing into or out of the facility. It would be best to holster all weapons upon entering to prevent mishaps.)
Hale's Moon Elections
Hales Moon is growing every day. More and more people have chosen to make Hales their home.
As a result, it has been decided that our town is in need of a Mayor. Someone to speak for our community, help establish some order, and field concerns. We've fought long and hard to be independent, and maintain the right to live free. It only stands to reason every citizen of the moon should have the right to make their voice heard on this issue.
Every citizen can be nominated for the position. To nominate someone simply drop a note into the mailbox at the Herald office. IN about a week, the nominations will be made public and a voting procedure worked out.
Keep our moon strong and free, let your voice be heard.
As a result, it has been decided that our town is in need of a Mayor. Someone to speak for our community, help establish some order, and field concerns. We've fought long and hard to be independent, and maintain the right to live free. It only stands to reason every citizen of the moon should have the right to make their voice heard on this issue.
Every citizen can be nominated for the position. To nominate someone simply drop a note into the mailbox at the Herald office. IN about a week, the nominations will be made public and a voting procedure worked out.
Keep our moon strong and free, let your voice be heard.
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