"I examined the body shortly after it was brought in, and although it appeared to be death by misadventure, upon further examination I discovered, most of the cuts and lacerations appeared to be post mortum. The wounds were not like any wild animal attack I've ever seen, they appeared to be staged. Upon further examination I discovered a chemical in Mr. Donat's bloodstream. Very basic chemical analysis shows this chemical to be consistent with a paralyzing drug that I personally have never seen outside of an Alliance medical research facility. Mr. Donat's body also showed signs of electrical trauma at the base of the skull, partially concealed by the external wounds.
It is my scientific opinion that Mr. Donat was drugged, had the electrical signal to the brain cut-off, causing death and was then cut and wounded to cover up the evidence and make it appear to be accidental.
Mr. Donat was probably best known for his part in an alleged raid on an Alliance transport and the retrieval of medical supplies for Hale’s Moon , and Blackburn, as well as his recent daring escape from capture at the hands of Alliance troops. It has been summarized that Mr. Doant was wanted by the Alliance for questioning into these crimes.
Mr. Donat was the only current nomination for the mayoral position on Hale's Moon, and a valued resident. He will be missed by many.
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