Loyalists made terrorist attacks on the Hale's Moon Spaceport beginning early afternoon on Monday.
Venice Ditko, formerly with the late Independent 12th Air Calvary, reported seeing a heavy set soldier wearing an Alliance unifom detonating explosives on the east end of the Hale's Moon Spaceport. The local militia, aided by other locally available people, exchanged gunfire with the assailant.
Recent arrival, Doctor Jesie Blauvelt, reported that her Mule was destroyed in the attack near Fook Yoo's.
Several serious injuries were treated by Hale's Moon's new doctor, Doctor Lina Footpad. A local mechanic named Mr. Doc Boozehound and Captain Griffen Shinn of the ICS Valiant, were given treatment for their injuries and later released.
Reese Shawbridge's foot was blown off while trying to defuse the explosive device, he was treated by Dr. Footpad and sent offworld to be fitted with a cybernetic prosthetic.
The unidentified terrorist ran into the infirmiry during the gunfight and left a note with local resident, Miss Emma Ditko, and then quickly departed the local airspace.
After Mr. Boozehound and Captain Shinn were released from the infirmiry, a search discovered that Miss Ditko and Dr. Footpad has already left the vicinity and could not be reached for debriefing by the local militia.
Security reports that there was a breakin at the Blue Sun Corporation Headquarters in East Hale, no further details were provided.
It is unknown at this time what the objective of the attack was.