Late Saturday night, approximately 23:30 hours (SLT), a warbot was sighted in the desert mountains area, west of the Hale's Moon Spaceport.
Altarus Byron reported seeing the robot in the hills earlier, "keep'n itself to itself, didn't think much of it."
Korguth Silvercloud reported previously seeing the robot on the roof of a building within the colony.
Reese Shawbridge witnessed seeing the warbot attempting to cut thru the glass panels of the Fook Yoo's roof but was shooed away by barkeep Sobi Kawanishi.
It was only later when a small craft was near the mining entrance that the warbot made an aggressive act, firing and downing the small craft. No serious injuries were reported.
Witness accounts report that the warbot scanned medical equipment.
Local residents Amon Ansar, Emma Ditko, Reese Shawbridge and Jai Raghilda along with visitors, Altarus Byron and Korguth Silvercloud, pursued the warbot around the Hale's Spaceport and the Western Desert for close to a half hour before it escaped its pursuers in the mines.
Attempts to communicate with the mechanical was unsuccessful.
Reese Shawbridge was able to get close enough to the warbot to get the warbot's model number, Model XG001-Zeta Warbot, confirming that it was indeed a warbot and not a rogue mining droid.
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