July 26
The stolen cargo ship "Jack of Trades" landed on Hale's Moon Saturday - a day that brought a day of pain to both our militia and our comrades who risked life and limb to get here to help us, as the Alliance was also in pursuit of the "Jack of Trades" for alleged piracy.
While it's not uncommon for cargo ships. even alleged smugglers, to land for refueling - the local residents were shocked to see that the creatures that emerged from the Jack of Trades were only vaguely human, and intent on stealing, rather than purchasing fuel cells secured at the mines.
"I thought their was somethin'... ARGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHH, odd about them". said the only uninjured local, Mr Dalai Llama.
The raiders attacked the mines using crudely constructed but fast ground vehicles and repelled wave after wave of independent militia. This reporter suffered serious injuries attempting to both defend our supplies and attack the raiders at the mines. I got close enough to see they were not entirely human - but rather appeared reptilian in nature.
It appears these may be the same raiders that have previously attacked our nearby neighboring colony. Blackburn, also in the orbit of Shadow. which was heavily bombed early in the Independent War for making the first stand against the Alliance. It is speculative but possible these raiders come from these wastelands.
While the raiders gathered fuel cells at the mines.. the lines at the medical facility were backing up as all beds were full... stunned and barely patched up militia bravely returned to the battle front in a futile attempt to stop the raiders.
The whole shocking incident was over within 10 minutes from the time the "Jack of Trades" was spotted until they took off. Despite putting the entire militia in the medical bay - the raiders only appeared to suffer one casualty, a female who apparently got her leg lodged in some rocks on the hill and became separated from the other raiders.
The raiders remained on the upper landing bay as the female raider. gravely injured. but uncaptured, made her way back to the ship. Several more militia were wounded attempting to attack the ship itself. which took off shortly after the wounded raider was onboard. A final attempt at heavy cannon fire from the tank did little damage and did not stop the "Jack of Trades" from escaping Hale's Moon.
In an odd development prior to the battle on the surface of Hale's Moon, Alliance transmissions were intercepted indicating a massive wave of fighters were in hot pursuit of the Jack of Trades. and several light cruisers were enroute to Hale's Moon as well. A final intercepted transmission from the Alliance was for a recall of all fighters and to stand down from the capture of the "Jack of Trades" - an extremely unusual order given the situation.
However, that did not stop the Alliance from sending three squads of ground assault forces and a fighter/bomber apparently intent on discovering what. if any, alliance Hale's Moon had with these raiders. After heavy battles and more causalities, the militia - who have faced the Alliance many times, were able to drive them from the surface of our moon once more.
Many militia casualties were sustained by the apparent shift of Alliance weaponry to much heavier weapons, including grenade launchers. flamethowers. very high powered shotguns, and highly accurate and powerful assault rifles.
Although it is customary for news reports to remain as unbiased as possible - the question this reporter has is "are the Alliance idiots?" First they pursue the "Jack of Trades" with overwhelming firepower - and within minutes of interception are ordered by Alliance HQ to cease the pursuit. Only after the "Jack of Trades" has escaped with a full fuel load do they then order a brutal assault on Hale's Moon.
Despite repeated attempts at attempting to get comments from Alliance officials after the assault - our waves were met with silence.
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