Mikie Rhiadra
Word reached the ears of colonist Glaze Donat late Sunday that an Alliance cargo freighter had fallen upon a mishap while in transit, rendering it inoperable. On board the ship was rumored to be a large shipment of medical supplies destined for Alliance friendly territory. As further information revealed that only three Alliance marines were left behind to guard the cargo, a raiding party was quickly and quietly assembled.
In Monday's early morning hours, Signolias Tendeschi, Krenshar Magic, Str8 Masala, Archer Bleich, Cadda Ninetails, Glaze Donat and myself boarded Imrhien Fargis' s firefly Chrysalis, lifting off from Hales to intercept the freighter. There was an eerie silence that hung in the air aboard the ship as it approached the disabled cruiser. Our approach went undetected, allowing us to take the small contingent guarding the supplies by surprise.
The raid was not without casualties, as both sides unleashed full firepower within the confines of the small freighter. The majority of the raiding party sustained heavy injuries, though they delivered as much damage to the Alliance as they were dealt, eliminating the marine contingent. Despite wounds, the crew worked hurriedly to load the medical supplies onto Crysalis and lift off once more.
The alliance had by this time been alerted to our presence, and our return to Hales was met with resistance from Alliance gunboats. The assault continued once Chrysalis had landed, and supplies were unloaded amid a hail of gunfire. The alliance forces did not stand a chance however, when our own ground forces were joined by members of the Blackburne Militia.
In thanks the medical supplies were shared wit the citizens of Blackburne. All in all a grand victory for both colonies.
Only hours after the raid, a series of warrants were issued across the cortex, for the arrest of some of the members of the raiding party. The accusations on the warrants are slanderous, and misleading, offering a large bounty for each of the four named individuals. Please remember, these are your friends and fellow colonists, without Whom we would have no more medical supplies. Protect them with your lives as they have protected you.
"Disrupting a battle to look fashionable" -- okay, seriously, I'm cracking up over here. Awesome.
And big thanks to y'all for recovering those supplies! We sure needed our share in Blackburne...
Interesting there was no mention on the main Cortex news channels about the previous intrusion on the Alliance installation. I intercepted a wave from one of their commanders about losing six troops in the middle of the goram night to-someone- who snuck aboard and sent them off to meet their kind and fluffy lord.
Wonder why they're hiding that.
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