Hermoine Hale, the news hologram previously located in the front of the Hale's Moon Herald offices is returned after some minor modification to make her more resource friendly.
Hermoine dispenses Hale's Moon Herald's recent news, the url to the Hale's Moon Herald blog, a list of Firefly Blogs, a map of the 'Verse and even a cup of coffee. She will also send a message to yours truly, Jai Raghilda, Hale's Moon Herald's reporter at large. She is now inside the Herald offices instead of outside, just visit and click.
Although much utilized, she was removed because she was using resources unwisely. Thanks to some assistance from Hale's Moon's clever scripting replicant, Mr. Krenshar Magic, she is now more resource friendly since she is not always on. She only activates when someone visits inside the office.
A new addition to the Herald office, also thanks to Mr. Krenshar Magic, is a picture display that scrolls thru the Herald's many newsphotos. We put in a nice couch so you can lounge comfortably, have a nice cup of coffee and leisurely catch up on the news and events.
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