Mr. Vegaslon Plutonian (Vega for short) has accepted the post as manager of the Hale Boarding House on the west end of the spaceport, across from the bank and between Starstruck's Coffee & Petstore and Firefly's Bar.
The Boarding House offers both private and hostel style accomodation. All rooms are fully furnished. Accomodation include vouchers for breakfast and two free drinks at Fook Yoos Bar and two free coffees at Starstruck's.
Vega explained the boarding house concept very plainly, "...when people first arrive and they don't have any place to stay, they can sleep here at the boarding house."
Rates for the Hostel accomadations are 50L per half day, 250L per week or 500L per month. Private rooms are 250L per day. Rates are negotiable, and must be paid in cash up front. The previous manager accepted IOUs and guns.
No cooking, there is food in the bar and coffee at Starstruck's which is right next door.
No pets. Exceptions made for ones that the manager likes and is nice and doesn't make a mess.
No smoking, sex or spitting on the premises.
As Mr. Vega explained, "This is a boarding house not some cheap hotel. We have standards and must have respect for the other guests."
Vegaslon Plutonian was originally from Boros in the Georgia system and worked as a mechanic specializing in electrical systems on the Alliance Shipyards on Ares, one of Boros' moons. Vega has been in Hale's Moon since the beginning of July, "I came here to get away from some marital troubles and I stayed because Hales had a boarding house and I felt welcome on that first day....even got a tour from Lilybell. Met the mayor and everything on the first day. I also met Krenshar, but it took me a while to get the nack of him."
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