
Announcement: Towel Day May 25th

Hewwo folks!

Every year again i celebrate towel day on my own cos i am a huge fan of Douglas Adams and the "Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy" - books (the only trilogy in four parts and two additional books)

This year i will share this celebrational day with you all. At the Fook Yoo's, our local waterin' hole.
We will prepare some surprises for you and there will be the "best hitchhikers outfit evar (or at least 2008) - contest" and more.
Music will get widespread from rock to industrial and techno. The turntables are getting warmed up. If yer wanna spin just drop me a line inworld.

Oh and i almost forgot:

See you at the 25th of may. We will begin at 12PM SLT till open end.

till then,

Aeon Voom


Second Assault On Hale's Moon Provides Clue

From The Blackburne Observer, by Amyla Wakowski-Swindlehurst:

For the second time in barely one week, the settlement on Hale's Moon was attacked by Alliance forces yesterday. Blackburnians Nack Barnes and Lorie Lilliehook responded to the distress call, aiding defense of the settlement. Despite suffering a broken leg in last week's assault, Mr. Barnes participated wholeheartedly in repelling the Alliance attackers. Upon returning to Blackburne, Mr. Barnes shared video and captures with The Observer from the day's harrowing events.

The video Mr. Barnes brought back with him contains the dying words of an Alliance pilot. Two key terms can be discerned: "Scharnebeck" and "Commodore." Could this be Commodore Geoffry Miles of the I.A.V. Scharnebeck? From our own archives, 18 March this year:

The Alliance Fleet reports the free trader Chakra, an old YU-18 class transport, was recently found adrift less than a light-year from Blackburne. Commodore Geoffry Miles, I.A.V. Scharnebeck, commented, "We were having problems with pirates robbing small vessels earlier, but not in this bloody way."
At the time of that report, Hale's Moon was targeted as a likely hideout for pirates. Could this be the Alliance's excuse for the recent brutal assaults on the settlement? Regardless of excuse, such brutality is worrying to any Independent-minded Rim settlement—including ours. "This action of late on Hale's and other problems, well, I've seen this sort of thing before. In the run up to the Unification War," Mr. Barnes cautions.


The fires are still burning...

The fires of the recent military intervention of the Alliance Force at Hale's Moon are still burning, The smell of oil and fuel is still in the air, and thick smoke rises to the sky.
The Hale's Moon Herald took the chance to interview one of the inhabitants, Dr Gallagher Aeon about the events on that black day for Hale's Moon. Asked about how things started the doctor begun slowly but then more precisly explain how things went:

"Well, at first everything was a blur. After taking care of the Captain in the medical centre me and the others realised he had been shot by an outsider. While looking around the town for some idea of what had happened i spotted someone moving near the Genoveva. Thats when the gunfire began. Then there was a small explosion by Fook Yoos entrance. Three alliance troopers overpowered us. i was severely wounded but i managed to crawl to the medical centre where i patched up my wounds and went back outside. I managed to kill one. At least i think i killed him."

Then the radiostaion of Hale's Moon sended out a SOS call into the rimregion. Nack Barnes, bartender on Blackburne was one of the Men who followed the call for help. With his help the inhabitants where able to fight back the Alliance soldiers. The doctor continiues:

"I didnt see him arrive but when things calmed down he came with us to the Genoveva to look for any remaining Troopers. What we found was much worse. The Genoveva was loaded with countless explosives. While trying to deactivate them Khaz what caught in the explosion. Me, Nack and Str8 had to jump off the roof to escape the blast. But Nack and Str8 were badly injured. Shortly after, Reigne arrived and helped move people to the medical centre. (Later) I went back to the Genoveva to find it destroyed and Khaz was lying on the ground. Covered in burns so severe her hair was completely gone. She was also missing a leg. After sorting out the burns i worked on sealing the leg wound, which was mostly sealed due to the heat. We want to get her a decent leg but at the moment we have very limited supplies. Everyone was very brave"

Pointing out at the supplies we asked the doctor what Hale's Moon is needing right now.
"Well mostly right now we need painkillers and disinfectant, due to the large amounts used that day. Some anestetic would be good too. At the moment we can get rid of the pain. But unfortunately the patient will be awake during any operations and that can be traumatic. After the painkillers run out people will just have to bite wood and take the pain. Anyone with a way of getting medical supplies to us, please help. We need support now more than ever"

Asked about the agressors he simply answered:
"I have nothing to say to them, nothing that can be published anyway.
But if i see any of the individuals again i will have no hesitation on shooting them down in the street"

The Hale's Moon Herald thanks the Dr. Gallagher Aeon for the Interview. We are keeping the pain and losses of the defenders in our hearts and thoughts.


Alliance intervention at Hale's Moon

The events which are happened yesterday and leaded to at least two lost ships and many critical wounded people at Hale's Moon Colony where initiated by a message of the radarstation, that a ship heading from the astoroid shield for Hale's Moon.

All begun as Captain Aeon Voom was found on the streets shot down and in critical condition. At the same time alliance commando soldiers where dropped on the mainport and installed explosives all over the well known jayde-class freighter Genoveva.
After that the whole town wend into a battle field as the Alliance solders went down from the mainport to bring pain and death to the inhabitants, installing at least two more bombs on landed ships and fighting their way through the colonists and attendees.
At this time a active radiostation dropped an SOS call into the rim-region and at least one person heared the call to help the people fighting the soldiers back.
After installing explosives the soldiers where nailed on hale's Moon and in their attempt to fight their way back trough the attendees they got killed by themselfes.

Soon after that the locals realized that they need to try to unarm the explosives. In this attempt Blackburne bartender Nack Barnes broke his leg and genoveva pilot Khaz Rotaru lost a leg- not to mention the many wounded - as the explosives where detonating in place leaving Hale's Moon without long range ships and many wounded People.

After these events Hale's Moon isnt the same place as before. The soldiers where fought back, but their mission was obviously successfull, leaving the people in helpless anger or in some cases in simple fear. Once again the alliance showed that they are the ruling goverment in the 'verse and how they treat rebels and criminals alike.