
News around the Colony

While details are unclear, it's been reported to the Herald office that long time Hale's Moon resident and former Sheriff's Deputy LilyBell has given birth to a baby girl. Miraculously, the little girl, AuroraBlue, appears to have developed rapidly to the stage of a young child and has been seen frequently around town.

Sadly, there is an unconfirmed rumor that Lily herself was lost in childbirth but this has not been confirmed at press time.

In any case, the Colony welcomes its newest addition and offers congratulations to her family.


Reaver Raid causes casualties

An unexpectedly large Reaver attack last night against Hale's Moon Colony has left nine colonists dead and dozens injured. The long running attack, which involved at least two light transport category boats crewed by Reavers, happened over a period of at least three hours.

Reaver casualties are believed to number at least twenty five killed and an unknown number injured but able to escape. Recent attacks have seen more of the large Reaver craft in place of the more common shuttles and light landers seen in past attacks.

One of their transports was disabled and subsequently destroyed on the ground by a well placed satchel charge, limiting the number of attackers able to make it off world. Colonist Miles Santini was quoted as says "We's a mining colony. One thing we's got is a bucketload of stuff what goes boom."

Historically, Hale's Moon has not been in the main Reaver attack corridors and this recent activity is considered quite unusual. The Town Council is working through navtrak data and available ships logs in an effort to determine the source of the recent escalation in attacks.

The townsfolk are deeply indebted to those who stood to defend the town and our hearts go out to the families of those lost or injured in this most recent violent attack.


Positions filled

The Town Council of Hale's Moon is pleased to announce the contract Law Enforcement positions have been filled.

The Town Council would like to thank Shalimar Poliatevska for accepting a full time contract to provide Law Enforcement services to the colony. The Town Council has also approved Xerox Schism for a part time position to assist Miss Shalimar with her duties.

The council hopes the citizens of Hale's Moon will welcome their new Law Enforcement personnel into their role and give them the professional courtesy their jobs deserve.


Continuing Reaver Attacks

Recent Reaver activity on Hale's Moon has become a concern for many residents. The town is eternally grateful to the folks who've laid their lives on the line to stand against the Reaver scourge, but also mourn the loss of several citizens residing in outlaying homesteads. Recent attacks over the last few days have resulted in the death of six colonists and several serious injuries.

The increase in Reaver activity has come as something of a surprise, as historically Hale's orbit has not been on their usual approach vectors. The colonial administration is investigating the possibility that the Reavers have positioned a large host ship, or possibly a raiding fleet in the vicinity and request that passing ships relay any unusual nav array readings to Hale's flight control.

Additionally, the Town Council would like to thank those who've applied for the Law Enforcement contract for their interest and will be reviewing their applications as soon as possible.


Openings remain

With the Reaver raid on Hale's Moon colony earlier in the week, the need for someone to fill the empty Law Enforcement position has become more pressing. Interested parties are asked to contact either the Mayor, via wave, or her secretary, Genni Foxtrot, in Hale's Moon town hall.

The colony would also like to thank Blackburne resident, Archer Bleich, for providing impromptu training classes to the residents of Hale's Moon. His skill in close quarters fighting has been a blessing to the colony on more than one occasion and his kindness hasn't gone unnoticed.