
Hale's Moon Reconstruction Underway

Following the news that there is a chance that the asteroid shield can be fixed we have started to rebuild the town.
The recent events have brought many of us together. But also pushed some of us apart.

More updates as things progress.


Hale's Moon Devastated

The skies over Hales moon lit up even brighter last night as several asteroids came crashing down through the limited atmosphere. It had been speculated since the failure of the protective barrier that it was only a matter of time before the asteroids began to impact with the surface.

At the time of the failure it had been estimated the chance of one of the asteroids striking the small colony to be less than two percent. Those estimates were shattered when not one but two of the large rocks plummeted from the skies striking the townsite.

Initial damage reports show a large crater behind Fook Yoo's, and another on the far side of town where the hydroponic gardens once stood. The intense heat and radiation from the asteroids have so far made close investigation impossible, however it appears that two apartments and two of the hydroponics bays were destroyed completely. The damage extends beyond the physical structure, as several months worth of food reserves were stored in the bays that were destroyed.

In related news a wireless transmission from Alliance forces indicate the Sun Tzu has pulled out of orbit of Hale's Moon. Reports are that they are pursuing a group of "loyalists" who have stolen advanced weaponry, possibly capable of knocking the asteroids from orbit. It is estimated there are approximately 32 of the rogue Alliance soldiers.

It is possible those renegades are on the surface of Hale's at this time. Only hours after the initial impact of the asteroids, at least two individuals dressed in partial alliance uniform were gunned down in the mines after multiple explosive charges were detonated beneath the surface. In addition an alliance troop transport was found in the ravine behind the hangar, its markings blacked out, leading to speculation that the ship belonged to the renegade troops. Colonists detonated several charges, destroying he ship, effectively cutting off the loyalists from any means of escape.

There are potentially several more of these loyalists hiding deep within the mines, residents are advised to use caution when going near the mine entrances.

A town meeting is expected to be called to address concerns in light of the devastation caused last night.


Tremors Rock The Moon

Is Hale's Moon becoming unstable? That is the question asked today as a notable earthquake shook the small mining colony this afternoon. Todays' was the strongest in a series of tremors that have been noted in recent weeks.

While none have been significant enough to cause any noticeable structural damage, the frequency of the tremors as well as increasing strength have caught the attention of Alliance scientists aboard the cruiser Sun Tzu. Radio waves intercepted indicate the Alliance may be sending scientific teams down to investigate the cause of the tremors, as well as to assess potential threats to the colony.

Despite previous dealing with the Alliance, citizens are strongly encouraged to cooperate with the scientific teams in helping to determine the source of the tremors.


Blackburne Mourns

Long time Blackburne resident x0x0 Zhangsun was apparently working in the Shelter when the Reaver attack began. Steps from the Cup, Caesar and Lily lay wounded and unable to move but both report hearing one scream and then silence. "Her cried out something sound like... like 'Ni zhao si ma' and then there wasn't no sound but the flames crackling" reported Miss Snoodle.

When the Reavers were run off, an inspection of the shelter's burned out insides revealed one charred burned up body. When asked for comment on the incident, Miss Zhangun's long-time friend Neutrino Nightfire stated 'I don't believe it. I've seen the girl take out an entire regiment on her own and there's no way she'd be trapped in that building". Long-time friend and fellow-militia member Imrhien Fargis had this to say about the Reaver's who torched the shelter: 'I'm going to kill every one of them".

Miss Zhangsun founded the Blackburne Shelter after divorcing herself from her family of origin and she worked there faithfully every day until the fire. She was the Grandaughter of the one of the co-founders of Blue Sun Corporation. When contacted about the loss, the company spokesperson stated "We are sorry for your loss but it has nothing to do with us".

The damage from the fire was significant. The Shelter will reopen when it is rebuilt and a new manager is found.


Sun Tzu Changes Command

(NPC reporter) Julian Endor

In a somewhat unusual move, sources have informed this reporter that the Commander of the IAV Sun Tzu, currently on patrol near Hale's Moon, has been abruptly reassigned.

Commander Marcus Condor was relieved of his command by Commander Johan Corsair early this morning.

The Alliance sources, who refused to speak except under anonymity, also said that the entire medical crew and several soldiers were also reassigned and replaced.

No reason was given and no further information is available at this time.

Early Transmission intercepted

(Dated 1 week ago)

A transmission intercepted between the senior Intelligence officer aboard the Sun Tzu and Alliance Command on Londimium indicates the loss of an Operative of the Parliment who was commanding operations aboard the Cruiser. The report indicates the Operative was scheduled to depart several hours after the Colonials initiated their raid to recover Mikie Rhiadra. The Operative was found dead by one of the accompanying medical staff when he missed the scheduled boarding time of their transport.

The Operative was found pinned to the bulkhead in his cabin with his own sword. Cause of death appears to be multiple blunt force impacts, compounded by previous injuries sustained in the raid. At this time, the Sun Tzu has no suspects, though they believe the attacker may have come aboard with the raiders and laid in wait until after the engagement to strike. An investigation aboard is ongoing, however, per recent standing orders, forces have not been dispatched to the colony.


Mikie Rhiadra Captured

(( NPC )) Reporter Evan Tsidels

Security Camera Footage

The following waves were intercepted last night while the IAV Sun Tzu was breaking for high orbit from Hale's Moon after days of a long and bloody struggle that rained down on us for the past several days - a struggle that was based apparently upon the Alliance's demands for the surrender of our Bar Manager and Editor Mikie Rhiadra. It was never made clear why they wanted her - and many colonists claim this was an illegal and extreme overuse of lethal force on the part of the Alliance.

"Alliance HQ this is Commandor Marcus Condor on the Sun Tzu - we have the package - a bounty hunter delivered it at approximately 18:20.

She appears to be in fair health - seems to have a fever and some minor injuries - the bounty hunter went to great effort to secure her in good condition - we lost several soldiers distracting the colonists and militia. What is it that makes this woman so damn important that I had to lose 72 soldiers in the process?"

"Roger Sun Tzu - I cannot answer that for you - M.I. wants you to send the package on to.... wait - stand by."

"Commander Condor is it? Disregard the last transmission... transmitting authority codes now - I will be taking over this operation. The loss of your men is tragic, but the loss of you would be even more tragic. They were expendable.

I personally found it rather amusing that you have no soldiers capable of capturing and holding a small colony long enough to accomplish your mission."

"Roger Sir - - I had no idea this was of the magnitude that... My Command is at your disposal"

"Very good then commander - treat the prisoner well - and see that she is tended to medically - we will be arriving to take custody late tomorrow. A ship with our medical specalists is already enroute to your location. Be very clear on this Commander - she is not to be questioned, interrogated or medically treated beyond standard health protocols - are we clear?"

"Yes sir, I will have her tended to and we will have her in our maximum security brig - Sir - what do I call you if any issues arise - there is no name... I understand with security protocols but... "

"You don't call me at all, Commander"
-end wave-

Other communications indicate that the Bounty Hunter was here among us on Hales during the Alliance assaults leading up to this event - possibly even fighting along side with us to cover his ruse.

A brief intercepted transmission, apparently from the bounty hunter - would seem to indicate that he used a Stun Gun, similar to the old Mark 902 Tasers to silently capture Mikie while other colonists were away battling the Alliance.

This is a tragic chain of events for all of us, and our Mayor has repeatedly stated she will be reporting this to the highest levels of Alliance authority. Some colonists and independents were heard to be rumbling about attempting a rescue mission.

When asked for his opinion on the issue - Mikies husband, Cobb Compton, pushed this reporter aside and took off in the direction of the Rhiadra-Compton estate on the far side of the moon..

Security Camera Footage
Security Camera Footage
Security Camera Footage
Security Camera Footage
Security Camera Footage


A Second Transmission Intercepted

(Posted from a secret location)

As we have not been able to capture or rarely even locate our target Mikie Rhiadra - we are going to up the bounty and attempt to hire mercenaries as well.

This is a black ops mission - you other officers need to know in case Mikie Rhiadra is captured and brought to the Sun Tzu while on your shift, or transfer is arranged at another location.

This information that follows is classifed ladies and gentlemen. Mikie Rhiadra is not just carrying the prototype nanites that allow her to heal faster and literally immortalize her..

She was, in fact, part of an advanced behavioral con and we lost track of her during the wreck of the carrier Xen II near Haven - we assumed Reavers had finished her off with the survivors - we found what was left of the survivors - and we know she was in custody until

Therefore we are tripling the reward and will be contracting with mercenary forces to bring her in - Alive and undamaged - to 1500 Plats (( 1500 Lindens )).

(( OOC Info - that is 1500 Lindens for a successful RP capture - she may fight back - in which case you need to get her healed up before delivery or transfer on any alliance friendly or alliance indifferent world - or the Sun Tzu itself - if a succesful capture is made "off hours" - just leave it at that - bring it to Sternn Guisse's attention and it will be confirmed by Mikie and she will be imprisoned appropriately thru an OOC process - be wary of future RP implications if caught cooperating with the Alliance - we're not well liked by the border moons - as for capture, delivery and payment - your anonymity is guaranteed by Alliance HQ - All rules as stated in previous wave still apply ))


Alliance Transmission Received

An Alliance transmission was broadcast this morning over all bandwidths. it is a transmission of considerable concern for Hale's residents. Please be on the lookout for any unusual activity on or around the moon.

The transmission reads as follows:

Hale's Moon Editor and Nightclub Manager Mikie Rhiadra is wanted by the Alliance - Preferably Alive.

She is known to visit Blackburne, Washtown and was reportedly spotted on Sihnon and Londonium as well.

The Alliance will continue to try to capture her if we have on the ground intel that she is present but assaults to date have had to rely on massive aerial bombardments - followed by ground assaults, leading to massive casualties on both sides.

The Alliance will continue to pursue her in capture - she posseses a prototype technology that we need to recover. Therefore - it is essential we retrieve her alive.

To that end the Alliance is offering a 500L reward for her capture alive and uninjured - or 100L dead (wounded). Delivery to the Sun Tzu in orbit around Hales moon will be arranged and payment made upon delivery.

Major Anya Vlasanik
Alliance Special Operations

(( OOC info - no rezzing of ships over 31 prims to make the delivery - RP kill or capture will be confirmed by Mikie - and DO NOT interfere with the broader RP or events on any FF sim - such as bar nights, shindigs, special events, etc. You are welcome to use these events to get close to the subject and figure out your approach however.

No cheats (traps/cages/lassos) will be honored - if you're new to SL/RP/DCS/FF tread lightly - do not violate other sim rules to accomplish this.

Should a successful capture be made and no Alliance official available to present the reward - simply pick up the RP later - send the message to Lt Sternn Guisse or Lt. ChenLeeWoo Xeltentat. It is largely based on an honor system. Mikie Rhiadra has a long history of RP and will not honor a "simple bonk on the head and dragged off to the ship" conclusion. She will honor either a kill and capture, or a convincing RP.

If subject is captured offworld - return to Hales - we do not have "unlimited Parliamentary authority nor the manpower to enforce the peace on every backwater planet"

This is an opportunity for those who think they're damn good mercs, operative wannabes, RP'ers who can talk the clothes off of a registered companion without payment or those new to RP who just need the Lindens (good luck) ))


Another Hale's Death

Doctor Gallagher was found dead by the Hale's Moon Mine after he had apparently been shot several times and possibly stabbed.

Gallagher was found by Lilybell Snoodle with whom he had agreed to meet at 3 p.m. To talk about recent events. Some syringes were found in his coat pocket containing traces of several anxiety medications. Some of the circumstances surrounding Gallagher's death were puzzling at the outset.

The caps on the syringes with which he had apparently injected himself had been replaced. "Him was right-handed," said Lilybell Snoodle. Yet upon examining the body several odd injection marks were found, one was on his right wrist and the other on his right forearm. Gallagher's body has been sent back to his home on Adipose 3.

Gallagher's death couldn't have come at a worse time and he will be missed

Explostion Rocks Hales

Early Friday morning, the rare quiet of Hale's Moon was disrupted by the sounds of an explosion.

An unknown explosive device was found inside the office of the Hale's Moon Herald. Several residents were inside when it detonated, not having time to clear the building.

Many of the residents suffered severe injuries, including burns and shrapnel wounds.

Lilybell Snoodle and Mikie Rhiadra were both missing for a considerable amount of time after the blast. Both were recovered later. Lily bell suffered injuries unrelated to the explosion itself, the matter is still under scrutiny of the townsfolk,

There is speculation on Alliance involvement in the explosion, as the explosive appeared similar to that which has been used by he alliance in the past.


Alliance Prisoner Rescued - Fierce Battle Followed

The Alliance Prisoner, Imhrien Fargis, who was captured the night before during a special ops mission on Blackburne Friday night, was rescued from the Alliance Cruiser IAV Sun Tzu in a daring two - ship operation on Saturday.

Despite ship to ship missiles and a number of security measures - as well as the presence of guards on the main deck - the risky daytime raid took advantage of the lower guard levels and were able to hack the security system on the SunTzu and fight a running battle that lead to casualties on both sides, but the independent forces were able to override the security system and keep reinforcements out from other sections of the ship and rescue Mrs Fargis-Voom.

After restoring security - two gunships rapidly descended on Hale's Moon in an attempt to recapture Mrs Fargis-Voom prior to her escaping the planet. This was the first time two heavy gunships have landed on the surface and it put the local militia and reinforcement is an bad crossfire position - although independent forces fought fiercely - at least 10 Alliance forces attacked with heavy cannons, grenades and flame units.

Independent Forces used the distraction of this heavy battle despite the costs to launch a small shuttle on a stealthy trajectory - bypassing the Sun Tzu's ship-to-ship missiles and returned Mrs Fargis Voom to a safe location.

The Alliance Forces were accused of numerous crimes of war in this attack - including attacking unarmed civilians. Radio transmissions pleading for Alliance Forces to cease their attack went unheeded as both armed and unarmed militia and civilians fell.

Although several Alliance casualties were noted - the Alliance finally withdrew. The only comment obtained from Commander Marcus Condor of the Sun Tzu was "We do not target civilians - however in the midst of battle there may at times be collateral damage. We regret this. However, we withdrew after confirming the escaped prisoner was no longer on the planet."

This was the first time such heavy artillery was used on the Hale's Moon settlement and at times it appeared the entire town was ablaze.

It was notable that in the aftermath of such a heavy and lasting battle that no arrest warrents or broadwaves were broadcast for Mrs Fargis-Voom, and no request for reinforcements. Commander Condor had no further comments on the matter.


Alliance Still Active

Reports in this morning that the alliance are still active in the region. A small patrol made land on Hale's on what they referred to as a routine patrol.

The two man patrol stayed on the surface for a considerable time before shots were fired. Intercepted transmissions indicate that the patrol was fired upon by Archer Bleich and Cadda Ninetails, and responded by returning fire. Both Alliance soldiers were downed in combat.

This is the second time on report that the Alliance have come down without initiating combat. Previously they have stated they wish to reopen negotiations for R&R for the troops stationed on the Sun Tzu.


Renegade Alliance - Priority Message sent in the clear

Hales Moon Priority Transmission - IAV Sun Tzu

Colonel Silvermane of the 1st Marine Assault Regiment - was escorted to the planet Hale's Moon on a peaceful mission to negotiate shore leave for the troops aboard the IAV Sun Tzu. Colonel Silvermane and several residents have had to endure attacks of various nature since then.

It is my belief that we may havea a renegade Alliance or Imposter force that has gone to ground. All troops are to remain vigilant and report any suspicious behavior to your supervisors immediately.

Ship computer logs originally recorded her escorts by name and ident-chip. These names and flight and traffic logs are being withheld while the investigation unfolds. Double checking flight and traffic records by investigation shows these personnnel were not involved in activity on Hale's Moon during the time frames indicated.

Ship computer logs regarding the assault on Colonel Silvermane and the subsequent random assaults on the colony on Hale's Moon was not authorized by Alliance forces or anyone in this command.

In an apparent haste to cover their actions - they left some data intact. Computer techs continue to analyze the data on ships computer for other possible fingerprints.

Flight deck logs also show large datasets missing and or launch records altered - several strategic weapons were discovered and show signs of tampering with.

Our technicians have re-secured the weapons and computer systems and a search is underway for the perpetrators of this crime.

We have not yet located Colonel Silvermane.

We do not know the size or disposition of the renegade forces - assuming they were Alliance - we are therefore doubling shifts until these renegades are brought to justice. All security points will be double staffed. Key computer systems, Strategic Weapons lockers and the Flight Deck will all be manned by full squads on 7x24 patrol.

The above orders stand until this investigation is complete.

Commander Marcus Condor
IAV Sun Tzu.


Mayoral Electoin Results

The polls closed yesterday at noon, the votes have been counted and the results are in. They are as follows:

Seana Kawanishi 2
Gunner Naidoo 1
Imrhien Fargis 1
Sobi Kawanishi 0

Please join us at the Herald in congratulating Seana on her election to Mayor of Hale's Moon.

Word has not yet come on when Ms. Kawanishi will be officially sworn into office.

Renegade Alliance Terrorizing Hales

Hale's moon has fell victim to many an attack from a renegade group of Alliance Loyalists as they call themselves.

The attacks began shortly after A group of Alliance landed as escort to Colonel Silvermane. Silvermane had come down to further discuss the possibility of Alliance soldiers taking shore leave on our moon.

Before negotiations could begin, her own guards opened fire on her and subsequently the town. Hale's Doctor, Gallagher Aeon, tended to the injured after the initial gunfight, and Colonel Silvermane left with her transport to attempt to contact help. It is not known what became of her after that point.

Since then, the group of terrorists have assaulted the town on numerous occasions, leaving a path of destruction in their wake. Numerous transmissions have also been intercepted. IT appears the renegades are looking for buyers for the heavy artillery and weaponry on the Sun Tzu, which they now claim control over.

Hale's residents are reminded to be on their guard, as its not known when they next assault may come.


Hale's Moon Elections

The nominations are all in for the mayoral office. Its now time for the citizens to do their part.

Elections will be held over the course of the next 10 days, ending on September 5. This should give sufficient time for our candidates to organize and campaign.

To vote, simply post to the mailbox on the Herald Office with your choice of candidate clearly indicated.

The candidates nominated for office are:

Gunner Naidoo
Imrhien Fargis
Sobi Kawanishi
Seana Kawanishi

Revolt Halted

The colony on Hales finally has a moment to catch its breath. The replicant revolt was brought to an abrupt halt amid a rain of gunfire at the mines Saturday afternoon.

The replicants had been holding the town under siege for several days, forcing residents to move down into the temporary shelter beneath the medical center. Many residents were on the verge of giving in to the replicants' demands that people leave Hales Moon.

Undaunted, a small group continued to work to free the moon from its captors, believing that resident technical wizard Seana Kawanishi would find a way to reverse the programming.

Early Saturday, Replicant Leader Krenshar Magic was captured, buying time for Aeon to retrieve the work Seana had been conducting. Before Aeon could sort through her notes however, more replicants stormed toe town, freeing Krenshar and retreating to the mines.

Hours later, notes in hand, a group of Hale's Colonists made their way to the moon. Lilybell Snoodle and Cobb compton fought hard to keep the replicants occupied so Gallager Aeon and Mikie Rhiadra could slip in behind the mines undetected.

It took several tense moments for the device to be attached to the mainframe computer, the replicants having realized something was being done had by this time turned their attention back towards the mines.

Once the device was in place an active, the wait began. At first it seemed as though the device didn't work, but eventually the replicants ceased fire.

The fact that they had been tampered with was evident, and now all replicants seem to be functioning normally once again.

However, the ground still remains contaminated with radiation, making the fine particles of dust in the air still very dangerous. All residents are advised to continue wearing appropriate gear until the situation can be addressed.


Reiplicant Revolt

For some time there has been concern for the replicants left behind in the mines. A few of the townspeople had been working towards finding the parts necessary to repair the broken and malfunctioning replicants with the hope of restoring the mine to working order. All of that took a drastic change yesterday afternoon.

The assault on the colony began with just one replicant, opening fire with sophisticated weapons. The assault on the town continued on for hours with the battered replicant copy of Doc Gallagher joining the fight on the side of the replicants.

The replicants were joined by long time friend to many, Krenshar Magic, who has declared himself leader of the Replicant Order.

The replicants have requested that everyone stay well back from the mines and have laid claim to all duranium ore within.

A tenuous cease fire appears to be in place, however at some point in the hours following, a nuclear detonation was triggered in high atmosphere. It is suspected the replicants maybe behind this, forcing all of Hale's colonists to take protective measures.

For everyone's safety, please ensure take proper precautions when venturing out, and stay clear from the mines.

Alliance Deceit Continues

The replicant hidden amongst the citizens of Hales was revealed this past week during an alliance search of the colony.

Reportedly searching for the body of the deceased Glaze Donat, the Alliance resorted to force in an attempt to take what they assumed was here. During the assault, our own Doc Gallagher started speaking strangely, spouting off a series of numbers before turning on the citizens.

The battle was brutal and many casualties were suffered.

Thankfully the replicant self destructed once captured, however it was clear that Gallagher had fallen into alliance hands.

Several brave souls from Hales stormed the Sun Tzu later that afternoon, taking out several alliance soldier and freeing Doc Gallagher from the prison in which he'd been kept.

We've yet to determine just how long the replicant had been walking among us.


Death of a Friend

It is with great sadness that I report, Hale's Moon resident Glaze Donat was found dead this morning in the desert just outside of Hales' Moon. The circumstances surrounding the death are sketchy, and rather mysterious. Mr. Donat's body was found severely wounded, and torn up. The cause of death appeared at first to be from attack by wild animal, or mutant, but in an interview Hale’s Moon's new Dr. Gunner Naidoo, stated the following.

"I examined the body shortly after it was brought in, and although it appeared to be death by misadventure, upon further examination I discovered, most of the cuts and lacerations appeared to be post mortum. The wounds were not like any wild animal attack I've ever seen, they appeared to be staged. Upon further examination I discovered a chemical in Mr. Donat's bloodstream. Very basic chemical analysis shows this chemical to be consistent with a paralyzing drug that I personally have never seen outside of an Alliance medical research facility. Mr. Donat's body also showed signs of electrical trauma at the base of the skull, partially concealed by the external wounds.

It is my scientific opinion that Mr. Donat was drugged, had the electrical signal to the brain cut-off, causing death and was then cut and wounded to cover up the evidence and make it appear to be accidental.

Mr. Donat was probably best known for his part in an alleged raid on an Alliance transport and the retrieval of medical supplies for Hale’s Moon , and Blackburn, as well as his recent daring escape from capture at the hands of Alliance troops. It has been summarized that Mr. Doant was wanted by the Alliance for questioning into these crimes.

Mr. Donat was the only current nomination for the mayoral position on Hale's Moon, and a valued resident. He will be missed by many.


Rhiadra and Compton Elope on Blackburne

Amyla Wakowski

Hale's Moon residents Mikie Rhiadra and Cobb Compton were wed in an impromptu ceremony on Blackburne Downport's landing pad Friday evening. The ceremony was officiated by Nack Barnes, co-owner of Firefly's Bar, and attended by all those on hand for Firefly's regular Friday night party. Reception followed at Firefly's Bar, where drinks were on the house in honor of the event.

Classified Ad

WANTED: Roommate
Fully furnished living space with private room and private bath available for right person.
L125 a week does not include meals. Convenient location in town center. Please contact Blossom Finesmith at flat 007 above the news office.


Hale's Frees On Of Their Own

Reported by:
Glaze Donat

The relative quiet, as of late, of Hale's Moon was shattered today with the Arrival of a squad of Alliance Soldiers. The Purple Bellies apparently were looking for Mr. Glaze Donat, the suspected instigator in a raid on an alliance transport, last month.

After a brief conversation with several Hale's moon residents, the troops began to scour the town in search of the much feared and elusive Mr. Donat.

The suspect was spotted in town and a fire-fight ensued, with the brave citizens of Hale's fiercely repelling the cowardly Alliance soldiers. One using only a welding helmet as a weapon.

With the Alliance in full retreat, the townspeople rejoiced at their seemingly easy victory. This was not to be so, the Alliance returned with gunship blazing and again assaulted the people of Hale's. Trapping Mr. Donat in a crossfire and seriously injuring him, the Alliance dragged the injured man through the street, and using him as a human shield, loaded him onto the gunship.
Mr. Donat was transported to an Alliance ship and was being drug to interrogation, when a contingent from Hale's burst through the shields, and began raining a glorious hail of hot lead down upon their miserable existence.

Unfortunately, out-gunned and out-numbers the force from Hale's had to retreat without Mr. Donat in tow. Glaze was at this time being questioned by the Alliance.

Fearing him too injured to answer their questions, he was transported to the medical facility, where he stealthily obtained a vial of sedative. Skillfully administering it to the attending medic Mr. Donat was able to secure his own release. Making his way to the landing bay in hopes of liberating an escape ship, Mr. Donat was surprised to see the rescue ship piloted by one Aeon Voom again crash through the shields. Stopping just long enough to poke a few holes in some Alliance soldiers and pick up Mr. Donat, Mr. Voom expertly piloted the ship containing the severely wounded and very thankful Mr. Donat back to Hale's where he promptly received medical attention. Resting and recovering, Mr. Donat assured this reporter the Alliance obtained no information from him while he was their captive. Mr. Donat has decided to go underground while he recovers, but vows that he "will never stop fighting the gorram Alliance scum."


A Colony in Mourning

The colony of Hales Moon is in mourning after the passing of long term resident Str8 Masala. She gave her life in defense of the colony.

During a weekend raid upon Hale's, the alliance captured her, holding her captive despite her injuries. Although details of the even are sketchy, as those directly involved have been unavailable for comment, we do know she passed while in Alliance custody.

Khaz Rotaru was able to barter fort he release of her remains through trade of a supercomputer the Alliance had shown interest in. Where she will be lain to rest is unknown, however a memorial service is slated to be held at Fook's this Tuesday, August 5. It will be an informal event, no particular time slated, as those who knew her best kept all hours. It will be a chance for those who knew her to come in, share a drink in her name and remember her gr8ness.

May she live long in all our hearts and memories.

New Medical Facility and Staff

In response to the numerous attacks in recent weeks, the colonists have endeavored to protect its injured so that they may recover in a safe environment.

In light of this the medical facility has now moved below the town square, serving as both a medical facility and a fallout shelter during assaults.

The center will be staffed by two new medics. Illyana Lavochkin and Blossom Finesmith. As always Ash Heliosense, the med replicant will be on duty twenty four hours a day.

Gallagher Aeon, our long time Doctor has made the decision to retire from active medicine. He will be missed dearly and wished well in his future pursuits.

The new Medical Center entrance is located in the alleyway behind the Herald office.

(OOC: The new medical center is intended to be an unconditional safe-zone. This means there is to be no firing into or out of the facility. It would be best to holster all weapons upon entering to prevent mishaps.)

Hale's Moon Elections

Hales Moon is growing every day. More and more people have chosen to make Hales their home.

As a result, it has been decided that our town is in need of a Mayor. Someone to speak for our community, help establish some order, and field concerns. We've fought long and hard to be independent, and maintain the right to live free. It only stands to reason every citizen of the moon should have the right to make their voice heard on this issue.

Every citizen can be nominated for the position. To nominate someone simply drop a note into the mailbox at the Herald office. IN about a week, the nominations will be made public and a voting procedure worked out.

Keep our moon strong and free, let your voice be heard.


Victory for Hales Residents

Mikie Rhiadra

Word reached the ears of colonist Glaze Donat late Sunday that an Alliance cargo freighter had fallen upon a mishap while in transit, rendering it inoperable. On board the ship was rumored to be a large shipment of medical supplies destined for Alliance friendly territory. As further information revealed that only three Alliance marines were left behind to guard the cargo, a raiding party was quickly and quietly assembled.

In Monday's early morning hours, Signolias Tendeschi, Krenshar Magic, Str8 Masala, Archer Bleich, Cadda Ninetails, Glaze Donat and myself boarded Imrhien Fargis' s firefly Chrysalis, lifting off from Hales to intercept the freighter. There was an eerie silence that hung in the air aboard the ship as it approached the disabled cruiser. Our approach went undetected, allowing us to take the small contingent guarding the supplies by surprise.

The raid was not without casualties, as both sides unleashed full firepower within the confines of the small freighter. The majority of the raiding party sustained heavy injuries, though they delivered as much damage to the Alliance as they were dealt, eliminating the marine contingent. Despite wounds, the crew worked hurriedly to load the medical supplies onto Crysalis and lift off once more.

The alliance had by this time been alerted to our presence, and our return to Hales was met with resistance from Alliance gunboats. The assault continued once Chrysalis had landed, and supplies were unloaded amid a hail of gunfire. The alliance forces did not stand a chance however, when our own ground forces were joined by members of the Blackburne Militia.

In thanks the medical supplies were shared wit the citizens of Blackburne. All in all a grand victory for both colonies.

Only hours after the raid, a series of warrants were issued across the cortex, for the arrest of some of the members of the raiding party. The accusations on the warrants are slanderous, and misleading, offering a large bounty for each of the four named individuals. Please remember, these are your friends and fellow colonists, without Whom we would have no more medical supplies. Protect them with your lives as they have protected you.


Long Day of Pain on Hales

Reporter: Cobb Compton
July 26

The stolen cargo ship "Jack of Trades" landed on Hale's Moon Saturday - a day that brought a day of pain to both our militia and our comrades who risked life and limb to get here to help us, as the Alliance was also in pursuit of the "Jack of Trades" for alleged piracy.

While it's not uncommon for cargo ships. even alleged smugglers, to land for refueling - the local residents were shocked to see that the creatures that emerged from the Jack of Trades were only vaguely human, and intent on stealing, rather than purchasing fuel cells secured at the mines.

"I thought their was somethin'... ARGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHH, odd about them". said the only uninjured local, Mr Dalai Llama.

The raiders attacked the mines using crudely constructed but fast ground vehicles and repelled wave after wave of independent militia. This reporter suffered serious injuries attempting to both defend our supplies and attack the raiders at the mines. I got close enough to see they were not entirely human - but rather appeared reptilian in nature.

It appears these may be the same raiders that have previously attacked our nearby neighboring colony. Blackburn, also in the orbit of Shadow. which was heavily bombed early in the Independent War for making the first stand against the Alliance. It is speculative but possible these raiders come from these wastelands.

While the raiders gathered fuel cells at the mines.. the lines at the medical facility were backing up as all beds were full... stunned and barely patched up militia bravely returned to the battle front in a futile attempt to stop the raiders.

The whole shocking incident was over within 10 minutes from the time the "Jack of Trades" was spotted until they took off. Despite putting the entire militia in the medical bay - the raiders only appeared to suffer one casualty, a female who apparently got her leg lodged in some rocks on the hill and became separated from the other raiders.

The raiders remained on the upper landing bay as the female raider. gravely injured. but uncaptured, made her way back to the ship. Several more militia were wounded attempting to attack the ship itself. which took off shortly after the wounded raider was onboard. A final attempt at heavy cannon fire from the tank did little damage and did not stop the "Jack of Trades" from escaping Hale's Moon.

In an odd development prior to the battle on the surface of Hale's Moon, Alliance transmissions were intercepted indicating a massive wave of fighters were in hot pursuit of the Jack of Trades. and several light cruisers were enroute to Hale's Moon as well. A final intercepted transmission from the Alliance was for a recall of all fighters and to stand down from the capture of the "Jack of Trades" - an extremely unusual order given the situation.

However, that did not stop the Alliance from sending three squads of ground assault forces and a fighter/bomber apparently intent on discovering what. if any, alliance Hale's Moon had with these raiders. After heavy battles and more causalities, the militia - who have faced the Alliance many times, were able to drive them from the surface of our moon once more.

Many militia casualties were sustained by the apparent shift of Alliance weaponry to much heavier weapons, including grenade launchers. flamethowers. very high powered shotguns, and highly accurate and powerful assault rifles.

Although it is customary for news reports to remain as unbiased as possible - the question this reporter has is "are the Alliance idiots?" First they pursue the "Jack of Trades" with overwhelming firepower - and within minutes of interception are ordered by Alliance HQ to cease the pursuit. Only after the "Jack of Trades" has escaped with a full fuel load do they then order a brutal assault on Hale's Moon.

Despite repeated attempts at attempting to get comments from Alliance officials after the assault - our waves were met with silence.


Altercations Continue

Alliance presence on Hales moon is becoming more and more frequent. Mid day yesterday, transmissions began to cut through on the local radio waves, announcing the arrival of yet another dropship of Alliance solders.

Residents were ordered to stand down and not interfere with their actions or risk deadly force. This signaled the beginning of a long standoff between the two sides.

Attempts were made to contact reinforcements, but transmissions appeared to be jammed beyond local frequency range. Gougosh Haystack, Mikie Rhiadra and Nikolidis Andel were left to defend the townsite while Krenshar Magic attempted to cut around behind to gain access to the mines. All communication with Krenshar was lost shortly after, leavign only intermittent broken transmissions from the Alliance team on the ground.

Guygosh became tired of waiting to see what the ground troops were searching for and approached, though he was given no answer, several tense moments later shots were exchanged.

All three residents suffered notable injuries during the entanglement, though there were two confirmed casualties among the four Alliance ground personnel.

The only significant information that was obtained, was that the Alliance are in search of fuel cells, reportedly stored in or near the mines. They were unsuccessful in their attempted retrieval, a good indication they will likely be back to make an attempt before very long.

Intercepted Transmission

The following transmission was intercepted last night.

Attention commercial vessels operating in the vicinity of Hales Moon. A cruiser and several carriers have taken up position in the vicinity of Hale's Moon due to a positive NavSat ID on the Firefly-class vessel "Jack of Trades" which has been identified as a vessel conducting piracy and ground assault raids on several colonies and outposts. We believe the "Jack of Trades" is hiding in the asteroid field and we are positioned to cut off escape routes. We believe they are low on fuel and may attempt a raid on Hale's Moon - we will be launching a fighter sweep of the asteroid field at approximately 1-2 pm ((SLT)) Saturday ((7/25 )) in an attempt to flush them out. That is all.

It is strongly suggested all Hale's residents be on their guard,a s the potential dangers to our community are evident.

It is also of worthy note, the Jack of Trades was recently stolen from its docking berth at Blackburne Downport by wasteland Raiders. This poses an additional threat alongside the Alliance presence.

Frequent Alliance Spottings Have Colonists on Edge

Despite the Sun Tzu pulling out of orbit, the alliance attacks have continued to haunt our community.

Initially the attacks followed their usual pattern, dropships deploying troops. Those troops attempting to subdue the residents of Hales. Thankfully our allies are stronger and Hales remains proudly independent.

However, the past few days have seen a dramatic change in their tactics, leaving the town feeling on edge. Reports of solo alliance scouting into town, disappearing when engaged in combat.

Along with the sighting of the single alliance soldier, came the appearance of a large, menacing creature. The reports on the entity indicate it was gelatinous in nature, bearing many tentacles. It proved a difficult foe, as it was near invisible until very close, and standard ammunition seemed to ricochet off its surface. There were reports of additional creatures though little information is known on them.

The day following the attacks, an additional alliance scouting party was spotted near the mines. Intercepted transmissions indicate they were in search of some sort of fuel cell. Due to the diligence of the Militia and reinforcements, they were unsuccessful in their search.

There is no doubt they will continue until they find what they are looking for.


Wedding an Event to Remember

Saturday saw a flurry of activity on Hale's Moon. It was not in fact another alliance scuffle, but a glamorous occasion which brought all the browncoats out in their finery. Our own Aeon Voom married the lovely Imhrien Fargis on the landing platform above Fook Yoo's.

The landing pad was transformed into an elegant chapel of white with blue accents, a striking setting against the dark sky. Guests arrived early, filling the imported pews with excited chatter over the long anticipated wedding.

Imrhien was stunning in a simple, elegant white gown adorned with blue butterflies, Amyla Wakowski attended her as Matron of honor, with Ash Lutwang and x0x0 Zhangsun as her bridesmaids, all in royal blue. Aeon wore a dashing grey tux, likely imported for the occasion. Nack Barnes stood as his Best Man, with Cobb Compton and Gallagher Aeon as his groomsmen.

The veremony was officiated by Father Kristian Nichols. Cholgosh Swindlehurst walked Imrhien down the aisle.

The couple exchanged vows they'd written for one another, illuminated by Aeon's firefly in the background. After vows were exchanged, they couple exchanged sidearms rather than rings.

The reception followed in Fook Yoo's, attended by even more guests who had been unable to make the ceremony itself.
Khaz Rotaru took over the DJ booth and the party lasted well into the night, even after the couple had departed for their honeymoon.

Congratulations go out to the couple on behalf of the residents of Hales, and readers are invited to comment to send their personal best wishes.

A gallery of pictures from the wedding can be found on page 2.
Mikie Rhiadra


Alliance cruiser IAV Sun Tzu spotted withdrawing from Hales

Cobb Compton

The Alliance cruiser IAV Sun Tzu was spotted by the captain of the cargo transport Brutius Maximum, apparently withdrawing from the orbit of Hales Moon.

No radio hails were made as the Brutius Maximus was negotiating the asteroid field, and no gunships were sent out to intercept the vessel.

"It was clear as hell we were being pinged on the way in," said a shaken captain Johan Scheleck of the Brutius Maximus.

"9 times out of 10, when we're being swept like that, we get a hail to prepare for docking and inspection. We were already a bit nervous by a large radiation signature matching that of the Sun Tzu just out of radar range as we were passing Shadow.

If I had to guess - I'd say there's a whole battle group out there forming up for some reason," he concluded.

While this has not been confirmed by any other vessels coming to or from Hale's Moon - it is alarming speculation.

Captain Aeon Voom has said he would take a stealthy scout ship out to confirm the departure of the Sun Tzu, as well as investigate the rumored battle group mentioned by captain Scheleck.

At the moment this is mere speculation and all residents and visitors are advised to remain vigilant. but it appears in the short term that Hales may have a brief respite from the brutal attacks we've experienced over the past several months.

If the Sun Tzu has indeed departed, this also means we may be able to get more supplies in directly without having to rely on high cost smuggling runs.

Aside from captain Voom offering to check the report, he had little to comment on the development. other than "Aye. we might have a peacable wedding this weekend" before wandering off to Fook You's for a drink.

Worker's Plight

Far in the southwest corner of our relatively peaceful moon lies a duranium mine. Years ago colonists worked the mines, the town building up around it into what you see today. When robotic workers became a more economically profitable decision, they company laid off all of the workers, abandoning them. When the mines no longer produced rapidly enough to maintain their profit margin, The Weyland Yutani Corporation abandoned the duranium mine for more profitable lands. In doing so they have once again abandoned their workers.

Dozens of replicants still remain in the mines, living day to day with malfunctions that lock them into repetitive tasks. The initial reaction by many is that they are only machines, why worry about it. There is plenty of reason.

Replicant Workers at the Mines

One of our own valued residents, Krenshar Magic, is himself one of the replicants from the mine. He was fortunate to be spared the indignation of the malfunctions the others in the mine have suffered. He has told us that many of the replicants that are still trapped at the mines have become sentient like himself.

Krenshar would like to see the replicants repaired, so they may have the choice as to whether they continue at the mines or seek to learn the world as he has. They require both replacement parts and skilled mechanics willing to lend a hand.

And So I am calling on you, Citizens of Hale's Moon. Krenshar has many times stood up to help defend our home. I feel its time we returned the favor and did what we can to get the replicants functioning once again.

Mikie Rhiadra


Alliance prepares to continue airstrikes at Hale's Moon

Unofficial sources are telling that the IAV Scharnebek got resupplied by an alliance freigther and is preparing airoperations again. Also it is possible that so called "Alliance Marines" will land on Hale's Moon again.
Commodore Geofry plainly said: "No Comment"

Archive Picture of the assault landing Bay of an Alliance Cruiser

If further airstrikes occour, the colonists are advised to seek shelter in the concrete buildings. Stay away from the windows and keep your head down. Fires are needed to get distinguished imidiately after the airstrike is come to an end. Also: keep an eye out for the sky and warn others if something unexpected is coming near to the colony.

WeyLand Yutani announces closing of duranium mine at Hale's Moon

An official speaker of the Weyland Yutani Corporation announcend today that the Mine on Hale's moon will get closed. He pointed out that the Mine isnt working effecient enough to bring in the wanted profits. Furthermore it was said "That the actual situation on Hale's Moon is even that difficult that the corporation's freighters can't reach the small colony on the edge of known space due of the blockade of the Allied Forces".

The small Duranium Mine at Hale's Moon

Many Miners are now in fear of loosing their jobs. Rumors are going that the Miners Guild wants to keep up working in the mine. But without any traders buying their duranium, they wont have any posebility to maintain or resupply the mine. Even money for urgend needed Tools and Machines is missing. Further more it isn't clear if the Corporation just leaves the Moon and if it is legal to claim the mine as their own.

We will keep an eye open on the developement of the actual situation for you.


Doctor of Hale's Moon beaten up by Alliance Trooper

Due of Reports by Doctor Gallagher Aeon itself, he was woken up harshly by an alliance trooper. The trooper beat Gallagher harshly with a large blunt object. He sustained a painful injury to his left eye and he was knocked unconscious and left for dead in the dumpster in the alley way behind the General Store.

The purpose of this attack is unclear at this time. We will keep you updated as we learn more.


Announcement: Towel Day May 25th

Hewwo folks!

Every year again i celebrate towel day on my own cos i am a huge fan of Douglas Adams and the "Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy" - books (the only trilogy in four parts and two additional books)

This year i will share this celebrational day with you all. At the Fook Yoo's, our local waterin' hole.
We will prepare some surprises for you and there will be the "best hitchhikers outfit evar (or at least 2008) - contest" and more.
Music will get widespread from rock to industrial and techno. The turntables are getting warmed up. If yer wanna spin just drop me a line inworld.

Oh and i almost forgot:

See you at the 25th of may. We will begin at 12PM SLT till open end.

till then,

Aeon Voom


Second Assault On Hale's Moon Provides Clue

From The Blackburne Observer, by Amyla Wakowski-Swindlehurst:

For the second time in barely one week, the settlement on Hale's Moon was attacked by Alliance forces yesterday. Blackburnians Nack Barnes and Lorie Lilliehook responded to the distress call, aiding defense of the settlement. Despite suffering a broken leg in last week's assault, Mr. Barnes participated wholeheartedly in repelling the Alliance attackers. Upon returning to Blackburne, Mr. Barnes shared video and captures with The Observer from the day's harrowing events.

The video Mr. Barnes brought back with him contains the dying words of an Alliance pilot. Two key terms can be discerned: "Scharnebeck" and "Commodore." Could this be Commodore Geoffry Miles of the I.A.V. Scharnebeck? From our own archives, 18 March this year:

The Alliance Fleet reports the free trader Chakra, an old YU-18 class transport, was recently found adrift less than a light-year from Blackburne. Commodore Geoffry Miles, I.A.V. Scharnebeck, commented, "We were having problems with pirates robbing small vessels earlier, but not in this bloody way."
At the time of that report, Hale's Moon was targeted as a likely hideout for pirates. Could this be the Alliance's excuse for the recent brutal assaults on the settlement? Regardless of excuse, such brutality is worrying to any Independent-minded Rim settlement—including ours. "This action of late on Hale's and other problems, well, I've seen this sort of thing before. In the run up to the Unification War," Mr. Barnes cautions.


The fires are still burning...

The fires of the recent military intervention of the Alliance Force at Hale's Moon are still burning, The smell of oil and fuel is still in the air, and thick smoke rises to the sky.
The Hale's Moon Herald took the chance to interview one of the inhabitants, Dr Gallagher Aeon about the events on that black day for Hale's Moon. Asked about how things started the doctor begun slowly but then more precisly explain how things went:

"Well, at first everything was a blur. After taking care of the Captain in the medical centre me and the others realised he had been shot by an outsider. While looking around the town for some idea of what had happened i spotted someone moving near the Genoveva. Thats when the gunfire began. Then there was a small explosion by Fook Yoos entrance. Three alliance troopers overpowered us. i was severely wounded but i managed to crawl to the medical centre where i patched up my wounds and went back outside. I managed to kill one. At least i think i killed him."

Then the radiostaion of Hale's Moon sended out a SOS call into the rimregion. Nack Barnes, bartender on Blackburne was one of the Men who followed the call for help. With his help the inhabitants where able to fight back the Alliance soldiers. The doctor continiues:

"I didnt see him arrive but when things calmed down he came with us to the Genoveva to look for any remaining Troopers. What we found was much worse. The Genoveva was loaded with countless explosives. While trying to deactivate them Khaz what caught in the explosion. Me, Nack and Str8 had to jump off the roof to escape the blast. But Nack and Str8 were badly injured. Shortly after, Reigne arrived and helped move people to the medical centre. (Later) I went back to the Genoveva to find it destroyed and Khaz was lying on the ground. Covered in burns so severe her hair was completely gone. She was also missing a leg. After sorting out the burns i worked on sealing the leg wound, which was mostly sealed due to the heat. We want to get her a decent leg but at the moment we have very limited supplies. Everyone was very brave"

Pointing out at the supplies we asked the doctor what Hale's Moon is needing right now.
"Well mostly right now we need painkillers and disinfectant, due to the large amounts used that day. Some anestetic would be good too. At the moment we can get rid of the pain. But unfortunately the patient will be awake during any operations and that can be traumatic. After the painkillers run out people will just have to bite wood and take the pain. Anyone with a way of getting medical supplies to us, please help. We need support now more than ever"

Asked about the agressors he simply answered:
"I have nothing to say to them, nothing that can be published anyway.
But if i see any of the individuals again i will have no hesitation on shooting them down in the street"

The Hale's Moon Herald thanks the Dr. Gallagher Aeon for the Interview. We are keeping the pain and losses of the defenders in our hearts and thoughts.


Alliance intervention at Hale's Moon

The events which are happened yesterday and leaded to at least two lost ships and many critical wounded people at Hale's Moon Colony where initiated by a message of the radarstation, that a ship heading from the astoroid shield for Hale's Moon.

All begun as Captain Aeon Voom was found on the streets shot down and in critical condition. At the same time alliance commando soldiers where dropped on the mainport and installed explosives all over the well known jayde-class freighter Genoveva.
After that the whole town wend into a battle field as the Alliance solders went down from the mainport to bring pain and death to the inhabitants, installing at least two more bombs on landed ships and fighting their way through the colonists and attendees.
At this time a active radiostation dropped an SOS call into the rim-region and at least one person heared the call to help the people fighting the soldiers back.
After installing explosives the soldiers where nailed on hale's Moon and in their attempt to fight their way back trough the attendees they got killed by themselfes.

Soon after that the locals realized that they need to try to unarm the explosives. In this attempt Blackburne bartender Nack Barnes broke his leg and genoveva pilot Khaz Rotaru lost a leg- not to mention the many wounded - as the explosives where detonating in place leaving Hale's Moon without long range ships and many wounded People.

After these events Hale's Moon isnt the same place as before. The soldiers where fought back, but their mission was obviously successfull, leaving the people in helpless anger or in some cases in simple fear. Once again the alliance showed that they are the ruling goverment in the 'verse and how they treat rebels and criminals alike.


Alliance blockade continued

The Alliance announced the continuation of the blockade agianst Hale's Moon.
"We will check every incoming vessel which is getting near our patrols, to check them for weapons, contrabands and wanted criminals" commented Commodore Geoffry Miles, I.A.V. Scharnebeck.

As asked for the strength and with of the operation, he continued:
"The Allied Forces will, as allways, not comment details of a running operation, to save the serving man and woman in the field" and continued "But you can bet that we do everything to literally shut down Hale's Moon"

Further questions about, if there where troops allready send to the surface of Hale's Moon have been noticed with "No comment"

At this time there where not fully confirmed sightings of Alliance Forces near the colony of Hale's Moon. Asking local Captain Aeon Voom he replied:
"If they really want to get Hale's Moon, then only over my dead corpse!" he continued: "This is my home and i like it the way things are going here, we where allways below the radar and now out of a sudden, they want to clean up here? No way!"

The Hale's Moon Herald will as allways keep an eye one the developement of the situation for you.

Hale's Moon Townhall gets back to life

The townhall of Hale's Moon colony was allways known as a symbol of decay. As the alliance bureaucracy failed to etablish something like order on this little moon, the townhall went down as well. Cracked windows and dirt where silent witnesses of this time.

But now a unknown organisation from outside rented this building and almost over night the townhall got new windows and the dirt is gone. Who will be our new neighbour on this dirty old moon? Do they know that only the law of the strong is counting here? Are there aware that there ain't no fancy sheriff to save their asses if everything goes down?

As most organisations from outside came, saw and left, finding this moon not suitable for their business, we will see if this counts to our new neighbour.


Hales Moon opening canceled

There will be no fancy IC description for this here. I need to cancel the grand opening of Hales Moon because of different reasons.

1. Sl is bugging around like hell for me. I am expiriencing hard crashes (sometimes with frozen screen)all the time since the new viewer and havok are released. This hinders me in do some last fixes in the sima dn preperations for the opening celebration. As you can understand i am more then pissed about what is going on with SL right now.

2. I'm afraid to say that my RL-situation changed alot in the last week as my Boss decided to give me a employment with more responsiblity..and work ofcourse. This limits my time i have for Hale's Moon. In fact that makes some changes necessary. But more on that topic below.

3. There used to be several DJs announced for that event but more and more of em decided to change their mind or had to cancel their sets out of several reasons.

I dont know when we will celebrate the grand opening. This really depends on how SL developes and on some other factors. I am still searching for a Gamemaster who is living in the american timezone to get things going here.
We still got a lot of jobs open here. In fact everything is set up and just needs to be worked with. Same counts for the RP. It only will start when people are there to fill it with life. No People, no RP. Its as easy as that.

As you can read most of the stuff above isnt really in my Hands. Its in yours. So if you want to have Hale's Moon as a working Firefly Sim, you are needed. I am here as often as i can anyway.

Aeon Voom
Hale's Moon Gamemaster/Admin


OOC Announcement

As i am just a humble Euro-Browncoat living by eurotimes (GMT+1). I'm mostly not around when the majority of the FF-community logs in.
I would love to bring more action and more storylines to you all but as you can imagine i need help for that. I'll need a second-in-command-gamemaster in the american timezone who is supporting me and will help as a sim-admin as well.
So if you have enough expirience in roleplaying mechanisms, considering yourself a neutral person , as well as a firefly-fan and if you have the "balls" to even take not liked actions at times. Well, then maybe you're the right person and should IM me inworld.

Aeon Voom

Hale's Moon Gamemaster

Traditional Spring Shindig at Hale's Moon

Every year Hale's Moon celebrates a spring shindig. As there is no real spring, summer nor winter on Hale's Moon, this festival is meant as a celebration to life. Intentionally it was created by the first mining colonists due of the rough envoirement of Hale's Moon. Its a festival to yell out: "Yes, I am living on Hale's Moon and I'm still alive".

Part of the annually celebration is the placing of laterns flowers and plants all over the place. Guests from all over the known 'verse are welcome and there is a strict code of peace for the duration of the festival.

Allthough some are aware of the Alliance blockade, this festival will be hold on the 19th of april. There will be big dancing, contests and entertainment. Beginning will be 1 p.m. SLT till the last one hits the floor (open end).

The management of the Fook Yoo's restaurant bar & club announced that there will be a shortage in beer, wine and general liqours due of the Alliance blockade. Furthermore, they announced that they will pay well for drinks brought through the blockade.

OOC: Yep, finally we will celebrate our official opening. For the duration of the shindig we will turn off the autoreturn and everybody will be able to place its flowers and/or laterns as a sign of peace and life.
This Festival will be hold IC as well as OOC. As always, we let you decide if you want to be in character or not.


In Blackburne, Its Business As Usual

As the Governor of Persephone announces renewed enforcement of the Alliance blockade against Blackburne Moon, the residents of Blackburne Downport continue to deal with the day-to-day tasks of living on this tiny, radioactive moon—earning livings, raising families, looking out for one another, protecting the town from Reavers and feral mutants from the Wastes.

"It's a waste of energy and time for them, always has been. That's why they just up and left after nuking hell out of us in the war," says Nack Barnes, the de-facto leader of Blackburne Downport. "Ain't nothing left here but us that survived and those who the Alliance don't want anyway. No matter how we think about it, about our home here, it ain't worth a rusty piss bucket to the Alliance."

Why, then, would the Persephone decide to reinstate the blockade now? Governor Woodhen was unavailable for comment at press time. According to a press release, Governor Woodhen said, "Blackburne has to realized that the war is over. If [they] continue to back a lost cause, we as a loyal Alliance member have no choice but to enforce the blockade that has been long ignored."

The release goes on to note that "[the] move is part of a wider move to enforce Alliance law throughout the sector. [The City of Downing] also began enforcing port inspections on all ships landing at the Eavesdown Docks outside the city.

Nack Barnes says, "I don't figure this blockade will stop anyone who's determined to get into or out of Blackburne," He pauses here, chuckling. "Since as a pilot I make a good bartender; yet I was able to get through." He gravely notes, "What it will do is make the more honest free traders avoid us for now, meaning we get to smuggle our own supplies or deal with the dregs of the free traders, little better than pirates. Main thing we're worried about is keeping supplies of meds. We've got a lot of Reaver problems here, and when it ain't Reavers it's zombie mutants or ferals."
And he's not exaggerating. Last week, a trio of female Reavers was killed after sending 6 members of the Blackburne Milita to the medical pavilion. And just three days later, what has become known as the Blackburne Massacre sent a total of 25 people to Blackburne's tiny, understaffed hospital.

"I did a foolhardy thing and followed one into the sewers," says Mr. Barnes, showing off the fresh lacerations he received for his troubles. "From now on, they get in the sewers, we're lettin' 'em go."

And so it goes at Blackburne Downport. People earn livings, raise families, look after one another—just like on the Core planets, but without the luxuries of medical supplies or food.

by Cholgosh Swindlehurst


"Invisible" Assailant on Hale's Moon?

The Blackburne Observer yesterday:

Reports coming from Hale's Moon describe an invisible assailant with laser-targeting weaponry and green, glowing blood.

"Me an' Khaz were standin' around shootin' the shit, and she's like "Hey Im, do you see red spots?" said Imrhien Fargis on a recent visit to The Cup in Blackburne Downport. "Next thing I know, my chest has a red laser target painted on it and I see weird orange and blue... plasma-y stuff comin' for me."

The pair attempted to engage the unseen attacker, but had difficulty in locating their target. "Like, it was weird, I could see movement, but there was nothin' there." said Ms. Fargis. Returning to their ship, the freighter Genoveva, they discovered the ship's computer system had been breached.

Ms. Fargis believes they wounded thier attacker. "I think either me or Khaz winged whatever it was, cuz there was a green glowy liquid trail... stuff smelled like somethin' crawled up a skunk's ass and died. We took a sample to the doc, maybe he can tell us whatever it was."

Hale's Moon officials are advising visitors to arm themselves and be alert.

by Cholgosh Swindlehurst


24/3/08 - New arrivals in Hale's Moon

My name is Dexter Fletcher and i am the new Editor of the Hale's Moon Herald. I have been in town three days and already i have felt the wrath of the Alliance. Is this an insight into our future? Soon will this be a daily occurrence?
Until now The Alliance has left us alone. We have managed to stay off their radar. Why now have they decided to take an interest in us? It's clearly been planned for a while. They haven't just decided to check on us as they pass through. An Alliance ship has been parked above Hale's Moon for the past week or so. They must be gathering intelligence for something.
Our streets aren't safe anymore. We shouldn't have to worry when walking the streets about whether or not we will be forced to the ground at gun point and checked for identification. The Alliance must be stopped!
Clearly broadcasting the origins of the Reavers hasn't been enough. They still have the same control over us. Only now they use force rather than politics or psychology stopping Newspaper Editors or Doctors on the streets isn't exactly standard practice. Dr Gallagher Aeon said "Its unbelievable. With Reavers attacking planets all over the 'verse you would think that would be their top responsibility."
My name is Dexter Fletcher. My back is bruised and my nose is bleeding. No more. Today blows the winds of change, and not the small kind.

                          - Dexter Fletcher


Alliance taking action against Hale's Moon?

Some freighter pilots and captains announced today that they have positive scans of an alliance cruiser behind the asteroid shield surrounding Hale's Moon and Ambrosial.
It is not sure what the mission of that cruiser is and the fact that it can't cross the astoroid field reduces the chances of a direct action against Hale's Moon.
Most colonists and residents are afraid that their independent peace might be disturbed, and the captains of their ships and boats fear that they are being checked by the Alliance. A thing that can turn out very bad for the free traders... as most transported goods are contrabands.

The Hale's Moon Herald will keep an eye open on that subject and will continue to inform you about it.