
Alliance Deceit Continues

The replicant hidden amongst the citizens of Hales was revealed this past week during an alliance search of the colony.

Reportedly searching for the body of the deceased Glaze Donat, the Alliance resorted to force in an attempt to take what they assumed was here. During the assault, our own Doc Gallagher started speaking strangely, spouting off a series of numbers before turning on the citizens.

The battle was brutal and many casualties were suffered.

Thankfully the replicant self destructed once captured, however it was clear that Gallagher had fallen into alliance hands.

Several brave souls from Hales stormed the Sun Tzu later that afternoon, taking out several alliance soldier and freeing Doc Gallagher from the prison in which he'd been kept.

We've yet to determine just how long the replicant had been walking among us.

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