
Loyalist attacks continue

Perhaps spurred to action by the recent arrival of refugees from Blackburne, the rag tag band of Loyalists, still hiding in the desert like cowardly animals, have once again attacked Hale's main township in an effort to abscond with supplies.

While the encounter started peaceably enough, with a small band of Loyalistits setting down their no-longer-space-worthy lander on Pad 3, and entering Fook's to buy beer, it quickly degenerated into gunplay as tempers quickly flared and townsfolk took to defending their town.

Casualties were reported to be light amongst the townsfolk, with at least one Loyalist reported killed by rifle fire from the tower. While members of the town militia were able to plant charges on the Loyalist lander, they were unable to completely destroy the vehicle. Witnesses reported the lander leaking fuel and smoking badly when the remaining Loyalists evacuated the town in defeat.

In the fight's aftermath, the Mayor was quoted as saying "We offered them Amnesty on more than one occasion. We gave 'em a message when they kidnapped Lili last time - lay down arms or the desert can have you. Well, we've got our answer."

Time will tell whether a rumored plan to finally eradicate the Loyalists will happen or not, but it's become clear that they are unwilling to live peaceably with the townsfolk, and the townsfolk have reached the end of their patience.

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