
New Businesses Open in Hale’s Moon

New Businesses Open in Hale’s Moon

Robotics shop to open in West Hales.

West Town Chamber of Commerce is pleased to announce the opening of a new business in West Hales. According to the Chamber of Commerce, the "Bad Robot" store joins Griffen Shinns Shipyards and Gabe's Hookah Lounge (the original!) in providing services to folks who like to do business away from the hustle and bustle of Hales Main Street. "Located in the Wastelands, the Settlement of West Town, also known as West Hales, may be the wrong side of the tracks for some, but for those who do business here, it's just right."

Bad Robots proprietor, Wing Silverweb, would like to welcome any and all people looking for common or specialty robotics to drop by for a chat. "I will do consignment sales for people who don't have the means to advertise their parts, but I also do specialty work, no questions asked".


A franchise of "Like a Flower" has purchased space on Hale's Main Street, and has begun construction. "We plan to sublet some of the space", stated a company spokesperson, "and bring some beauty and culture to Hales Moon. It is a rather ....dusty place, and could use some of the finer things that "Like a Flower" can provide".


A dentist has opened up shop on Hales Moon Main Street. Clinic Hours will be announced soon. We welcome the Doctor and her husband, and look forward especially to his Shepherdin' and hope he doesn’t get eaten like the last two. The doc says she won't hurt you much, and her husband says he plans to hold some services in our church. Times will be announced if he don't get run off by Reavers, or decide to take up some other vocation.

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