
Alliance cruiser IAV Sun Tzu spotted withdrawing from Hales

Cobb Compton

The Alliance cruiser IAV Sun Tzu was spotted by the captain of the cargo transport Brutius Maximum, apparently withdrawing from the orbit of Hales Moon.

No radio hails were made as the Brutius Maximus was negotiating the asteroid field, and no gunships were sent out to intercept the vessel.

"It was clear as hell we were being pinged on the way in," said a shaken captain Johan Scheleck of the Brutius Maximus.

"9 times out of 10, when we're being swept like that, we get a hail to prepare for docking and inspection. We were already a bit nervous by a large radiation signature matching that of the Sun Tzu just out of radar range as we were passing Shadow.

If I had to guess - I'd say there's a whole battle group out there forming up for some reason," he concluded.

While this has not been confirmed by any other vessels coming to or from Hale's Moon - it is alarming speculation.

Captain Aeon Voom has said he would take a stealthy scout ship out to confirm the departure of the Sun Tzu, as well as investigate the rumored battle group mentioned by captain Scheleck.

At the moment this is mere speculation and all residents and visitors are advised to remain vigilant. but it appears in the short term that Hales may have a brief respite from the brutal attacks we've experienced over the past several months.

If the Sun Tzu has indeed departed, this also means we may be able to get more supplies in directly without having to rely on high cost smuggling runs.

Aside from captain Voom offering to check the report, he had little to comment on the development. other than "Aye. we might have a peacable wedding this weekend" before wandering off to Fook You's for a drink.

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