
Altercations Continue

Alliance presence on Hales moon is becoming more and more frequent. Mid day yesterday, transmissions began to cut through on the local radio waves, announcing the arrival of yet another dropship of Alliance solders.

Residents were ordered to stand down and not interfere with their actions or risk deadly force. This signaled the beginning of a long standoff between the two sides.

Attempts were made to contact reinforcements, but transmissions appeared to be jammed beyond local frequency range. Gougosh Haystack, Mikie Rhiadra and Nikolidis Andel were left to defend the townsite while Krenshar Magic attempted to cut around behind to gain access to the mines. All communication with Krenshar was lost shortly after, leavign only intermittent broken transmissions from the Alliance team on the ground.

Guygosh became tired of waiting to see what the ground troops were searching for and approached, though he was given no answer, several tense moments later shots were exchanged.

All three residents suffered notable injuries during the entanglement, though there were two confirmed casualties among the four Alliance ground personnel.

The only significant information that was obtained, was that the Alliance are in search of fuel cells, reportedly stored in or near the mines. They were unsuccessful in their attempted retrieval, a good indication they will likely be back to make an attempt before very long.

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