
Alliance Transmission Received

An Alliance transmission was broadcast this morning over all bandwidths. it is a transmission of considerable concern for Hale's residents. Please be on the lookout for any unusual activity on or around the moon.

The transmission reads as follows:

Hale's Moon Editor and Nightclub Manager Mikie Rhiadra is wanted by the Alliance - Preferably Alive.

She is known to visit Blackburne, Washtown and was reportedly spotted on Sihnon and Londonium as well.

The Alliance will continue to try to capture her if we have on the ground intel that she is present but assaults to date have had to rely on massive aerial bombardments - followed by ground assaults, leading to massive casualties on both sides.

The Alliance will continue to pursue her in capture - she posseses a prototype technology that we need to recover. Therefore - it is essential we retrieve her alive.

To that end the Alliance is offering a 500L reward for her capture alive and uninjured - or 100L dead (wounded). Delivery to the Sun Tzu in orbit around Hales moon will be arranged and payment made upon delivery.

Major Anya Vlasanik
Alliance Special Operations

(( OOC info - no rezzing of ships over 31 prims to make the delivery - RP kill or capture will be confirmed by Mikie - and DO NOT interfere with the broader RP or events on any FF sim - such as bar nights, shindigs, special events, etc. You are welcome to use these events to get close to the subject and figure out your approach however.

No cheats (traps/cages/lassos) will be honored - if you're new to SL/RP/DCS/FF tread lightly - do not violate other sim rules to accomplish this.

Should a successful capture be made and no Alliance official available to present the reward - simply pick up the RP later - send the message to Lt Sternn Guisse or Lt. ChenLeeWoo Xeltentat. It is largely based on an honor system. Mikie Rhiadra has a long history of RP and will not honor a "simple bonk on the head and dragged off to the ship" conclusion. She will honor either a kill and capture, or a convincing RP.

If subject is captured offworld - return to Hales - we do not have "unlimited Parliamentary authority nor the manpower to enforce the peace on every backwater planet"

This is an opportunity for those who think they're damn good mercs, operative wannabes, RP'ers who can talk the clothes off of a registered companion without payment or those new to RP who just need the Lindens (good luck) ))

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