
A Second Transmission Intercepted

(Posted from a secret location)

As we have not been able to capture or rarely even locate our target Mikie Rhiadra - we are going to up the bounty and attempt to hire mercenaries as well.

This is a black ops mission - you other officers need to know in case Mikie Rhiadra is captured and brought to the Sun Tzu while on your shift, or transfer is arranged at another location.

This information that follows is classifed ladies and gentlemen. Mikie Rhiadra is not just carrying the prototype nanites that allow her to heal faster and literally immortalize her..

She was, in fact, part of an advanced behavioral con and we lost track of her during the wreck of the carrier Xen II near Haven - we assumed Reavers had finished her off with the survivors - we found what was left of the survivors - and we know she was in custody until

Therefore we are tripling the reward and will be contracting with mercenary forces to bring her in - Alive and undamaged - to 1500 Plats (( 1500 Lindens )).

(( OOC Info - that is 1500 Lindens for a successful RP capture - she may fight back - in which case you need to get her healed up before delivery or transfer on any alliance friendly or alliance indifferent world - or the Sun Tzu itself - if a succesful capture is made "off hours" - just leave it at that - bring it to Sternn Guisse's attention and it will be confirmed by Mikie and she will be imprisoned appropriately thru an OOC process - be wary of future RP implications if caught cooperating with the Alliance - we're not well liked by the border moons - as for capture, delivery and payment - your anonymity is guaranteed by Alliance HQ - All rules as stated in previous wave still apply ))

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