
Hale's Colonists successfully attack Reaver Outpost

After weeks of research analyzing navtrak and ships navigation logs, the Hale's Moon Colonial Government was finally able to establish the location of a Reaver base located in the vicinity of the 'Beetle's Baily' rock field. While it was known that a small flotillia of Reaver ships was operating from the area, the discovery of the base, built into what appeared to be a mined out asteroid, came as a surprise.

An all volunteer force was assembled to take the fight to the Reavers, in an effort to reduce the number of attacks against both Hale's Moon and other colonies in the vicinity. Residents of the colony would like to very much thank those who were willing to put their lives on the line to try and stem the tide of Reaver aggression.

While the colonial force suffered numerous casualties, none of them were serious enough to require hospitalization. Reaver forces on the installation were ultimately wiped out, and the airlocks were opened to space to vent atmosphere and prevent the Reavers from reclaiming the base. The colonial force counted over twenty Reaver dead and was able to destroy one of their transports that was docked at the time.

Total Reaver forces in the region are estimated somewhere between one hundred and two hundred and fifty, so this will have only a minor impact on their total numbers. However, the loss of a stable refueling and resupply site will hopefully curtail their activities.

A followup salvage operation is planned, though it is unlikely any usable salvage will be recovered. To quote colonist Lilybell Snoodle, "you can never get the smell out." The rest of the base will be destroyed with placed explosives at the conclusion of the salvage operation.

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