
Reaver raid takes toll

A prolonged Reaver raid yesterday caused a number of fatalities and numerous injuries amongst the colonists of Hale's Moon. The attack, which started some time in the late morning, lasted for hours with an estimated 50 or more Reavers attacking the town over the course of almost 8 hours.

Quick and persistent action by the Colonial Militia was able to keep colonist loses down, though the town is still morning those lost while those who took up arms in the town's defense recover from the ordeal.

Investigations after the attack indicate the Reavers had set down to repair one of their transports, and are likely not associated with the nest recently destroyed by the brave action of the Hale's Moon Colonial Militia.

Private memorial services for the fallen are scheduled across the next several days, and citizens are advised to stay clear of the funeral pyre set for the Reaver corpses two kilometers down wind of town.

While some have questioned the Mayor's insistence on disposing of the Reavers in this way, she was quoted as saying "They used to be as Human as us. They deserve at least that. Besides, tossing them down a mine shaft might contaminate the ground water."

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